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“Tim Burton to Direct Remake of Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman for Warner Bros.”

Tim Burton, the renowned director known for his dark and whimsical style, is set to direct a remake of the 1958 classic film “Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman” for Warner Bros. This exciting news has been confirmed by IGN, who reached out to the studio for verification. The announcement also revealed that Gillian Flynn, the talented author and screenwriter behind popular thrillers like “Gone Girl,” “Sharp Objects,” and “Dark Places,” will be writing the script.

While details about the remake are still scarce, a report from Variety suggests that it remains uncertain how closely the new version will stick to the original plot. The original film followed a wealthy heiress, played by Allison Hayes, whose encounter with an alien transforms her into a giantess. However, it’s not just her sudden increase in size that becomes problematic; it also complicates her already troubled relationship with her unfaithful husband.

Although the reviews for “Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman” were mixed upon its release, the film has since gained a cult following. Its low budget of only $88,000 sparked talks of a sequel at the time. Over the years, various parodies of the film have emerged, including Roger Corman’s 2012 production, “Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader.”

This upcoming collaboration between Tim Burton and Warner Bros. is not their first venture together. Currently, Burton is working on the highly anticipated sequel to his 1988 hit film “Beetlejuice.” The sequel recently unveiled its official title as “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” and is scheduled to be released on September 6, 2024. Gillian Flynn has also worked with Warner Bros. in the past, having successfully adapted her own novel “Sharp Objects” into a limited series for HBO, which earned her an Emmy nomination. She also adapted her best-selling novel “Gone Girl” for David Fincher’s critically acclaimed film in 2014.

The news of Tim Burton’s involvement in the remake of “Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman” has generated significant excitement among fans of his distinctive style and storytelling. With Gillian Flynn’s talent for crafting thrilling narratives, this collaboration promises to bring a fresh and captivating perspective to the beloved cult classic. As fans eagerly await further updates on the project, it’s clear that this remake has the potential to become another iconic addition to both Burton and Flynn’s impressive portfolios.

About the Author:
Alex Stedman is a Senior News Editor at IGN, where she oversees entertainment reporting. When she’s not immersed in writing or editing, she indulges in her love for fantasy novels or enjoys playing Dungeons & Dragons. Her passion for storytelling and pop culture shines through her work, making her a trusted source for the latest news in the entertainment industry.


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