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TikTok is becoming more and more relevant as a sales channel

TikTok is one of the most popular social media channels for the young target group. A potential that more and more companies in the area of ​​social commerce should use, as a study by ECC Cologne shows.

A current study by ECC Cologne shows the potential of social media platforms as sales channels for companies – TikTok in particular is becoming increasingly relevant. In Germany, 64 percent of TikTok users are on the platform every day. In the younger target group of 16 to 29 year olds, it is as much as 77 percent – more daily users in this age group are currently only recorded on Instagram (83 percent).

Instagram is a pioneer – TikTok is catching up

More than half (57 percent) of those surveyed have heard of a product on social media. Instagram is currently the pioneer in matters of social shopping with 15 percent sales – but TikTok is also in the fast lane: Despite lower reach and user numbers, the values ​​for the general perception of product advertising (25 percent) and actual sales (12 percent) are among the younger ones Target group already almost identical to the average data on Instagram.

The study shows that young consumers in particular are receptive to influencer marketing on social media. The respondents gave the Instagram, YouTube and TikTok channels the best prospects for the future. The under 30s on Instagram (69 percent) and TikTok (49 percent) are particularly optimistic. Facebook, Pinterest and Snapchat, on the other hand, forecast little relevance in the coming years.

“Retail companies should take advantage of this development as early as possible”

“The young target group in particular determines which social networks are popular at the moment. What we were able to observe back then on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram – from younger users to their use in the general population – now also applies to TikTok. This development retail companies should take advantage of this as early as possible, “says Anne Lisa Weinand, head of ECC Cologne.

For the study “Social Commerce – Instagram, TikTok and Co. in the fast lane”, the ECC Cologne asked 800 German consumers in a representative online survey between March 15 and 23 about their social media usage.

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