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TikTok adds limit so that children do not watch for hours on end NOW

The TikTok video app has a function called Family Safety Mode added. This allows parents, among other things, to determine how long children can watch videos on the app.

Via the settings, parents can set a time limit in the TikTok profile of their children: 40, 60, 90 or 120 minutes a day. When that limit is reached, the child can no longer look at TikTok that day.

A limited mode has also been added. This ensures that certain videos are not shown to children who are not old enough for that. The limited mode continues to work as long as it is not turned off. For this, parents enter a four-digit pin code as a password.

TikTok also lets parents restrict access to private messages. This way they can set who can send messages. In addition, private messages can be turned off completely.

More measures for the welfare of young users

TikTok has recently introduced new measures to protect teenagers using the app. The app was under fire for a while because TikTok, among other things, did not intervene when adult placed inappropriate comments among children’s videos.

It also appeared earlier that the range of videos made by LGBTs and overweight people was limited. That has now been resolved.

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