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Tighter immigration controls and public transport – what restrictions come into force today

On December 1, the government decided to extend the state of emergency until January 11 next year, imposing a series of new and stricter restrictions on the spread of Covid-19. Many of the stricter requirements came into force on December 3, but some come into force on Monday, December 7.

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From Monday, the number of passengers in public transport may not exceed 50% of the transport capacity. If it is not possible to control the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, the vehicle must be provided with instructions on the use of seats, ensuring physical separation.

Also, from Monday, stricter control of those entering Latvia will come into force to make sure that they have filled in “Covidpass.lv”, thus facilitating the control of the spread of the infection.

A number of pre-existing rules also apply:

Daily restrictions: masks and ‘2 + 2’

When deciding on the extension of the Emergency, Cabinet of Ministers decided that mouth and nose masks should be used in public transport and public indoor spaces, including workplaces, if there is more than one person in the room, except for athletes, including individual visitors to indoor sports venues and during sports training.

Also, professional orchestras and choirs will not be able to use mouthguards; in the process of acquiring education, which is related to the acquisition of playing an instrument or vocal art; as well as employees of electronic media and in cases when live broadcasting is provided or preparation of audiovisual works takes place, if it is necessary for the full performance of work duties.

Face masks may not be worn by children under the age of seven and people who cannot use them due to obvious functional impairment.

From December 3, everyone in Latvia must follow the “2 + 2 principle” in their daily routine – two meters, two people. So a distance of two meters must be observed and meetings must be limited to two people.

Until 11 January, all cultural venues as well as fairs, including the Christmas market, are closed. Libraries are allowed to hand out books for pick-up and, subject to epidemiological security measures, museums are still available to visitors.

No private events may take place except within a single household. People living alone and in need of care can be visited according to the “2 + 2 principle”.

At funerals and baptisms, no more than ten people (excluding those directly involved, such as the clergy) may be gathered outdoors, from no more than two households, using mouth and nose pads.

In the meantime, no more than 20% of the maximum number of people may be present at the same time in places of religious activity.

Organized meetings, pickets and marches may still take place, but no more than 25 people are allowed to attend, subject to epidemiological safety requirements – a physical distance of two meters and subject to the requirements set by the organizer.


From 3 December, on-site indoor sports training may only take place for Latvian adult national team, Olympic professional and Paralympic team athletes and adult professional athletes of international and higher league team sports teams (professionals whose main occupation is sports).

Other indoor training may only take place individually or in pairs with a coach, while group training for up to ten people may only take place outdoors. It should be noted that tents or other temporary structures, if they have walls, are also perceived as indoor, but covered areas without walls are considered to be outdoor.

Athletes will not be able to use mouth and nose covers during sports training during the emergency.


From 3 December, shops and service points must provide 15 square meters per visitor. Information on the number of people allowed must be clearly visible at the entrance. In small rooms, visitors can go one by one.

Business service providers, shops and event organizers must ensure that people who do not wear a face mask or do it incorrectly (without covering both their mouth and nose) are not allowed on the premises and that the service is not provided to those who do not comply with epidemiological safety requirements.

Only pharmacies, including veterinary pharmacies, may operate on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, while only food (except alcohol), hygiene products and fuel may be sold in shops.

On weekdays, everyone works with the same square constraints. On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, sales outlets may not be open, except – pharmacies (including veterinary) and shops selling food (except alcohol), hygiene goods, fuel.

Subject to epidemiological safety measures, beauty care providers – hairdressing and manicure providers – may operate.


The on-site learning process may take place only in kindergartens and 1-4. classes. Schools must provide three square meters of space per pupil. From December 3, kindergarten workers must wear masks at all times.

The process of higher education, vocational education and adult continuing vocational education and non-formal education can only take place remotely. On the other hand, practical skills that cannot be acquired remotely can be acquired in person only individually – one teacher with one student.

The practical parts of interest education can only take place in person. Attempts by choirs and wind ensembles are not allowed in person.

With the full order of the Cabinet of Ministers no. 655 “On the declaration of a state of emergency” is available here.

It is reported that the emergency situation in Latvia has been in force since November 9. It was announced in response to the rapid spread of Covid-19 infection and the growing risk of congestion in the health sector.

During this time, strict assembly and other restrictions were imposed to stabilize the situation and prevent the rapid spread of Covid-19.

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