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Tigerenten Club: Rock meets Schlager with Sarah Hübers and Miguel Gaspar

Sarah Hübers (Photo : Kirsten Buß)

Bocholt/Hamminkeln. Great music and game action!

Radiant limelight, big stages, unique moments at the microphone – if children and young people were allowed to imagine their future, quite a few of them would dream of a career as a successful superstar in the music business. Sarah Hübers (16 years old) and Miguel Gaspar, who is just 14 years old, are living exactly this dream.

At his young age, Miguel Gaspar has already achieved what many musicians have dreamed of for decades. He was already convincing live on stage at the age of eleven when singer Vanessa Mai brought him on stage for a duet; in a joint song on television with Florian Silbereisen, the young pop singer performed at least as professionally as the pop legend and after various appearances in TV formats such as “The Voice Kids” he is no longer a stranger – no wonder that Miguel Gaspar is now considered the youngest star in the hit sky.

Sarah Hübers won the songwriter competition “Your Song” at KiKA in 2021. She won over both the jury and the television viewers with her song “Leise Worte werden laut”, which she performed in the live finale together with Johannes Strate, singer of the band Revolverheld. Sarah also composed and sang the title song of the documentary series “Die Jungs WG 2022 in Lisbon”. Sarah Hübers already knew at the age of 9 that she wanted to be on the big stage. In the meantime, the only 16-year-old has rocked a lot of stages and released 2 CDs with her own songs.

Rock music and hits – two completely different styles of music and yet both young artists have a lot in common. Miguel Gaspar and Sarah Hübers tell Johannes in the club room where they see their musical goals and what can sometimes be a bit “annoying and exhausting” in show business. And there is a world premiere: Sarah Hübers is presenting her new song “Why not now?” on TV for the first time.

Action in the gaming arena

Two school classes compete against each other in the games arena: the frogs come from the Edith-Stein-Gymnasium Speyer (Rhineland-Palatinate) and the tiger ducks came from the Albert Einstein School in Schwalbach (Bavaria). The game kids fight for the emergency brakes, cheered on by their connected classes. Which team can convince in the end and take home the gold trophy? It remains exciting until the finale on the wild rodeo tiger duck. The winning team can look forward to the golden tiger duck trophy and a €600 donation for the SWR and SR children’s charity “Herzenssache”.

The Tigerenten Club is a Südwestrundfunk production for “KiKA” and “Das Erste”. For more than 25 years, the show has stood for action, fun and colorful topics.

May 28, 2022, 10:45 a.m. live at KiKA
May 29, 2022, 5:55 a.m. in the first
Moderation: Muschda Sherzada and Johannes Zenglein

On May 28th at 10:45 a.m. the live broadcast of the Tigerenten Club will be broadcast on KiKA. The live stream of the show can be found on kika.de and tigerentenclub.de. The program will be repeated on May 29 at 5:55 a.m. at Check Eins in the first.

Tiger Duck Club on the Internet: www.tigerentenclub.de

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