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Tiger mosquito: starting signal for new information campaign

The tiger mosquito is spreading more and more in South Tyrol. This is shown by the test results of the biological laboratory of the State Agency for Environment and Climate Protection, which has been observing the tiger mosquito in Germany since 2013. Since then the spread of this mosquito has increased significantly. While there was initially only a partial distribution, the insect has now become a permanent guest in the main valley locations from the lowlands to the Burggrafenamt. The average number of eggs in the egg-laying traps has increased almost tenfold since 2014.

Prevent and prevent spreading

“In order to prevent a tiger mosquito plague in the warm season, precautionary measures must already be started in spring”, emphasizes State Councilor Giuliano Vettorato. Citizens are also called upon to make their contribution and the precautionary measures under the motto “No water. No mosquitos! “

“We all, public administration and citizens, are called upon to take preventive measures,” emphasizes Vettorato. Everyone can help to avoid small water accumulations in their surroundings – be it in the garden, courtyard or on the balcony – because this is where the tiger mosquitoes lay their eggs. It is important to avoid breeding sites and to regularly empty saucers, watering cans, bird baths, etc.

Prevent larval development

The information campaign of the State Agency for the Environment and Climate Protection is launched in May. The aim, together with the citizens, is to limit the growth of the tiger mosquito population from the spring.

The tiger mosquito lays its eggs in the immediate vicinity of water accumulations. After hatching, the larvae move into the water, where they develop into adult tiger mosquitoes across various stages. The summer temperatures in the last few weeks offer ideal conditions for the tiger mosquito, if there is standing water. It has survived the winter in the form of cold-resistant eggs, and the first larvae can now develop well.

From a single tiger mosquito that hatches in spring, billions of tiger mosquitoes can develop in the course of the summer months. It is therefore important to prevent the development of the larvae into adult, biting tiger mosquitoes. As the insect is active during the day, it is becoming increasingly unbearable to spend time outdoors.

Avoid water retention

Eliminating possible breeding sites is therefore the top priority. Whether on the balcony, in the yard, in the garden, in the park or in the cemetery – from May to October, any water accumulation outdoors should be avoided as far as possible.

The tiger mosquito is not picky: a water residue is sufficient for the development of the larvae, which accumulates in stored car tires, in a forgotten children’s toy, in clogged rain gutters, in a bird feeder that is not regularly emptied, on an untightened tarpaulin or in a bottle or plastic bag that has been left lying around Has. It is particularly important to ensure that plant saucers are emptied, watering cans and buckets are placed with the opening facing down and water bowls for pets are not left standing.

The small water accumulations should not be emptied in street gutters or shafts, but only on unsealed areas. Otherwise, tiger mosquito larvae that are already in the water would end up in the sewage system and thus further contribute to the spread of the tiger mosquito.

The paddling pool must also be emptied and the irrigation drums sealed hermetically and provided with a mosquito net. After a downpour, it is also advisable to clean gutters, shafts and tarpaulins. Containers and vases must be emptied regularly in the cemetery.

Use larvicides correctly

Wherever water cannot be avoided (e.g. in street gullies, gullies, shafts, rainwater inlets), larvicides can be used from May to October, which prevent the larvae from developing and can have an effect for up to four weeks. The State Agency for the Environment and Climate Protection recommends that the instructions for use be carefully followed when using the larvicides.

For the treatment to be effective, the larvicides should be used in a targeted manner throughout the urban area. The municipal administration is responsible for the treatment in public areas, on private grounds the owners have to take care of themselves.


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