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Tiger mosquito: present in three Haut-Rhin municipalities

Mosquito control knows no truce

The fight against mosquitoes knows no truce. Even in confinement. Competence is departmental – it is delegated to the mosquito control service of the Haut-Rhin Green Brigade. “We have treated all the hopper breeding places in the ten municipalities concerned – seven in the potassium basin around the Rothmoos, and Saint-Louis, Bartenheim and Rosenau around the Little Camargue of Alsace”, explains Philippe Bindler, head of the service.
“We did our job, the locals to do theirs!” Why not take advantage of confinement to do some cleaning in the gardens? “Smiles Philippe Bindler. For quiet nights and aperitifs without setbacks, it is better to prevent, and everyone can contribute: mosquitoes also love cities and towns, in particular the new tiger mosquito.

Tiger mosquito: present but discreet

This tiny mosquito, only 5 mm, is present for the moment only in three communes in the Haut-Rhin, in Saint-Louis where it posed problem in certain districts last year, in Holtzwihr and Wickerschwihr. It is a question of slowing down its progression … “It is for this that it is important that everyone shows civility”. It is necessary “to remove any standing water in the garden. One cubic centimeter of water may be enough for the tiger mosquito to lay eggs. He adores for example the parasol feet. »You should also be wary of children’s toys (a tractor trailer or a plastic bucket), a watering can that is not completely empty, etc. “In urban areas, mosquitoes, we make them ourselves,” he concludes.

The tiger mosquito continues its conquest of France. According to the Vigilance-Moustiques 2020 map, more than 65% of the French territory is now invested by the insect.

In detail, 57 departments, especially in the south of the country and part of the northeast, are placed in red alert, six more than in 2019 and fifteen more than in 2018: there, the mosquito is implanted and active. In addition, 10 departments are on the point of being colonized (in orange on the map above).

All the other territories are under “yellow vigilance”, which corresponds to entomological surveillance (study of insects). In other words, no more departments are on the alert, which assumes a simple health watch.

The tiger mosquito, recognizable by its white and black stripes, potentially carries serious diseases such as chikungunya, dengue fever and the Zika virus, reminds Vigilance-Mosquitoes.

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