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Tickets for the play “The Lost Song” by the Mawen Foundation Music and Theatre Company





  • Director: Victor Romero Rojas
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Audience: +5 years

“The Lost Song” intertwines the magic of W. Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” with the harsh reality of the social upheaval in Chile through the story of Esperanza, who – like Prospero on his island – lives in an apparent utopia that is threatened by a storm that symbolizes and alludes to the social crisis and human fragility.

Guided by the wisdom of Humanity, Esperanza confronts oppressive Power, reflecting the struggle of Chileans against social injustice. The chorus, echoing the collective voice, calls for change, while themes of resistance and social transformation are explored throughout the work, culminating in a vision of hope that resonates with the aspirations for a more just and equitable Chile.

  • General Admission: $13,000
  • Center Stage Admission: $10,000
  • Balcony Entrance: $8,000
  • Students and seniors: 20% discount

When selecting your seatyou will receive an e-ticket with a QR code, which will be requested at the entrance to the theatre. Tickets are numbered. Maximum 10 tickets per performance per shopping cart.

Attention, please: Tickets are sold online via www.corpartes.cl. Tickets are sold at the theater box office only on the day of the performance.

The minimum suggested age to attend the concert is 5 years old. The theatre reserves the right to ask spectators – of any age – to leave if they might disrupt the experience of other attendees.

It is recommended to arrive 30 minutes before the performance, once the play has started you will not be able to enter the theatre. Customers are informed that Ticketplus is responsible for the distribution and validation of tickets to the event.

Tickets with student and senior discount will be checked when validating the ticket to enter the theatre. Tickets with senior discount must be supported by an identity card, while tickets with student discount must be supported by a TNE card or some document proving that the student is studying. Parking:

The theater does not have public parking, so it is recommended to use alternative parking options close to the theater: LotPark Cerro El Plomo 5420, Las Condes, and LotPark Alonso de Córdova 5320, Las Condes.

If you have any questions, please write to us at [email protected], or to our WhatsApp (+56 9) 42626843. (Business hours: Monday to Friday, between 11:00 and 21:00 hrs.).


Fundación Mawen stands out as a non-profit organization that has made a significant impact on the Chilean cultural and social scene. It emerges as a transformative agent in the Chilean social landscape, challenging barriers and promoting equity in access to cultural spaces through the arts and education. Its work is based on a rights-based approach, recognizing the inherent dignity of all people and their right to participate fully in cultural and social life.

The Mawen Foundation not only promotes participation in cultural activities, but also provides specific training so that people with cognitive disabilities and other groups can develop skills and tools that allow them to access job opportunities as cultural agents in the artistic-creative field.

  • Cast “The Lost Song”
  • Hope: Daniela Leyton.
  • Humanity: Maria Jesus Rudloff
  • Awakening: Maria Jose Amaya
  • People: Max Alberto, Martina Araya, Daniela Buzzetti, Lucas Del Canto, Francisca Gutierrez, Thomas Munoz, Constanza Riquelme, and Camilo Vasquez.
  • Power: Valeria Suarez
  • The boat: Maite Herrera
  • The choir of the past: Gabriel Acuña, Paula Aguilera, Mario Araya, Catalina Azócar, Pablo Fuentes and Sofia Pino
  • Forgotten: Sergio Mejia

The blackbird: Tito Medina

  • Banda musical
  • Percussionists: Gabriel Acuña, Catalina Azócar, Paula Aguilera, Pablo Fuentes, Mario Araya and Sofia Pino
  • Winds: Paula Aguilera and Monserrat Sembler

Strings: Pablo Serey and Andrés Valdebenito.

  • Technical and creative team
  • Co-direction: Tito Medina and Valeria Suárez
  • Direction and musical creation: Alex Muñoz, Monserrat Sembler, Pablo Serey and Andrés Valdebenito
  • Cultural management: Nani Sepúlveda
  • Lighting: Ricardo Yanez
  • Audiovisuals: Juan Guzman
  • Audiovisual technicians: Daniel Flores and Taina Villalobos

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