Home » today » Entertainment » Tickets for Hui Guanjie’s 6 concerts in the Coliseum in April are sold out, and there are conditions to allow additional performances (22:41) – 20230226 – SHOWBIZ

Tickets for Hui Guanjie’s 6 concerts in the Coliseum in April are sold out, and there are conditions to allow additional performances (22:41) – 20230226 – SHOWBIZ

Article date: February 26, 2023

The 74-year-old “God of Songs” Xu Guanjie (Sam) will hold 6 performances of “Sam Hui Concert 2023” at the Red Hall from April 7 to 12. Tickets for the 6 performances are sold out. Today, Sam personally filmed the news and revealed at the same time Add field. Sam thanked the fans for their support, and said that the tickets for the 6 shows were sold out. A Dan (Zheng Danrui) suggested that he add an extra show. He said: “You (A Dan) just click on your words! In short, the tickets must be equal, and more people will benefit. Yu sells big bags, how many extra shows? Adan, you are talking. Anyway, I will continue to keep fit and welcome the concert in April in the best condition.”

(instant entertainment)

Related words:Sam Hui Concert

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