Short sellers of hedge fund Citadel Advisors LLC increased their exposure to shares of steelmaker thyssenkrupp AG (ISIN: DE0007500001, WKN: 750000, ticker symbol: TKA, Nasdaq OTC symbol: TYEKF).
Financial professionals at hedge fund Citadel Advisors LLC, founded by Kenneth C. Griffin and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, USA, increased their net short position in thyssenkrupp stock from 0.78% to 0.84% on November 17 2022.
Currently, hedge fund short sellers hold the following net short positions in thyssenkrupp shares:
1.39% Marshall Wace LLP (09.11.2022)
0.93% Citadel Advisors Europe Limited (17.11.2022)
0.84% Citadel Advisors LLC as of 11.17.2022
Total net short positions of hedge fund short sellers in thyssenkrupp AG shares: at least 3.16%. Rates below 0.50% are not considered in our reporting as not subject to publication.
thyssenkrupp stock exchanges:
Tradegate share price thyssenkrupp shares:
EUR 5.50 -0.69% (18.11.2022)
XETRA thyssenkrupp share price:
€5,462 -0.36% (18.11.2022)
thyssenkrupp stock ISIN:
WKN fee thyssenkrupp:
thyssenkrupp stock ticker symbol:
NASDAQ OTC symbol thyssenkrupp stock:
Brief profile of thyssenkrupp AG:
thyssenkrupp AG (ISIN: DE0007500001, WKN: 750000, ticker symbol: TKA, Nasdaq OTC symbol: TYEKF) is an international group of companies consisting of largely independent industrial and technology companies with over 100,000 employees. In the financial year 2020/2021, it generated a turnover of 34 billion euros in 56 countries. The businesses are grouped into six segments: Material Services, Industrial Components, Automotive Technology, Steel Europe; Marine and multitrack systems. With extensive technological know-how, the companies develop cost-effective and resource-saving solutions for the challenges of the future.
Around 3,600 employees work in research and development at 78 locations worldwide and are primarily concerned with climate protection and the energy transition, the digital transformation in industry and the mobility of the future. The patent portfolio of the thyssenkrupp Group currently comprises around 18,100 patents and utility models. Under the thyssenkrupp umbrella brand, the group of companies creates long-term value with innovative products, technologies and services and contributes to a better life for future generations.
thyssenkrupp is a company in MDAX. thyssenkrupp shares are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (code: TKA) and as American Depositary Receipts (code: TKAMY) in the United States. (20.11.2022/ac/a/d)