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Thus the superbonus is raising house prices in Milan

Scaffolding almost impossible to find, the same goes for labor and raw materials (the price of which has skyrocketed between the health emergency and the container crisis). Price lists are skyrocketing with two to three times higher calculations than in the same pre-pandemic period. But despite everything, the energy redevelopment of a building – if at no cost through the superbonus, a measure that has relaunched the construction site market, otherwise nailed down – still remains a business with direct consequences on the value of the property. Especially in Milan.

According to a survey by Maiora Solutions, a startup specializing in the development of artificial intelligence tools and advanced data analysis for companies in different sectors, the leap in energy class would result in an increase in prices sales per square meter of houses. In every district of the city.

“We found a positive correlation between the energy class of the property and its selling price per square meter – comments Andrea Torassa, founder of the company -. In Milan, where the majority of homes have a very low energy class, there are significant opportunities increase in the value of properties, following the improvement interventions envisaged by the Superbonus 110%: in districts such as Corvetto and Regoredo the average increase in price reaches as much as 35%, but substantial growth is found everywhere in the city; from the Center to the most peripherals, these are increases in value that often reach double digits “.

According to the survey, in 2021, 55% of the homes for sale in Milan belonged to the least performing energy class, the G, while only 10% of the properties could boast a class B or A. The selling price per square meter, from January to December 2021, aggregating all energy classes, it was equal to 4,600 euros. On average, properties in energy classes above G were sold with a price increase per square meter of between + 2% and + 26%, compared to the price of properties sold in the less performing energy class.

A building that has made the double leap in class to the Corvetto may be worth 35% more; at Portello, on the other hand, the value can increase by 18%, and significant increases are also recorded in the Biccocca-Niguarda area (17%). A house in central Milan, if subject to energy redevelopment, can increase its value by up to 12%. The least revaluable neighborhoods, according to Maiora solutions’ statistical-real estate dossier, are Navigli-Bocconi, Udine-Lambrate and Famagosta-Barona, which stop at a price increase of around 1 percent.

The rise in house prices that have made the leap in energy class

Quarter Average energy class Price increase for 2 higher classes
Arch of Peace, Arena, Pagano F 8%
Center F 12%
Amendola – Buonarroti – City Life E 15%
Central, Republic F 7%
Ghisolfa Cenisio F 6%
Loreto, Buenos Aires F 10%
Lotto, Fiera, Portello F 18%
Navigli, Bocconi F 1%
Porta Venezia, Independence F 10%
Sempione E 4%
Black Stripes, Deceptions F 11%
Bicocca, Niguarda F 17%
Città Studi, Susa F 8%
Corvetto, Rogoredo F 35%
Famagusta, Barona F 1%
Forlanini F 12%
Maggiolina, Istria, Zara F 4%
Pasteur, Rovereto F 14%
Porta Vittoria, Lodi F 5%
San Siro, Trenno F 14%
Udine, Lambrate F 1%

Table – Data provided by Maiora Solutions

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