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Thursday Weather Forecast: Sunny and Warm with Top Temperatures in North Brabant and Limburg

The sun shines exuberantly on Thursday and the temperature rises quickly in the morning. In many places it will be warm again in summer with temperatures of 25 to 28 degrees. The highest temperatures are expected in parts of North Brabant and Limburg.

There is a moderate northeasterly wind with wind force 3 to 4. Particularly in the northern coastal area, the wind later turns to the north. The wind is also picking up there. As a result, the temperature on the Wadden Islands reaches a maximum of 20 degrees.

The day will be fairly sunny, but in the afternoon and afternoon a few cumulus clouds will also develop in the east and southeast.

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2023-06-15 03:34:49

#Weather #forecast #Temperature #rises #rapidly #due #exuberantly #shining #sun #inland

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