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Thursday horoscope: November 19 – Apollo.lv – Horoscopes – Free time

AUNS It is quite possible that today you will experience several moments of revelation, in which you will realize what you are doing wrong in life, what are your main stumbling blocks. The most determined representatives of the sign will decide to radically change the situation.

BEEF You will move forward, but slowly, thoroughly. You may be able to agree with your partners on more favorable terms. Small surprises are not excluded in home life.

TWINS Try to be more calm about everyday absence, refrain from impulsive actions, because it can have far-reaching consequences at the moment. When communicating with management, take a more businesslike, restrained stance.

CANCER Appropriate time to negotiate with partners to address legal issues. It will be no wonder that you will be born with ambitious plans that will be implemented in the near future.

LION You will know how to skillfully defend your interests, take care that you are one step ahead of your direct competitors. It is preferable to deal with material issues in the second half of the day. Be careful behind the wheel!

JAUNAVA Tensions with superiors will ease. If necessary, you can safely go to the management to bring new solutions to the existing difficulties on the table, discuss future plans.

IMPORTANT The mood will improve, you will perceive small obstacles much more easily, not being in a relationship with your peers. It is possible that, thanks to charm, diplomacy, you will gain new like-minded people, supporters.

SCORPIONS You will not have any problems dealing with organizational issues. Will stand out among those around him with enviable strategist talents, subtle intuition. Waves of passion in marriage life.

CARTONER Despite the limitations around you, you will create ways to be like-minded, to share knowledge and experience. It is possible that the Internet will provide the desired opportunities.

FOREST Will be more interested in political and economic events, will follow the news in its field of activity. Some Foresters may decide in favor of a project in which private funds will be invested.

AQUARIUS The day will be relatively calm, even a little boring. A great moment to deal with gray, monotonous responsibilities, arrange documentation, economic matters.

FISH Think more carefully about future plans, leaving no room for chance. Even seemingly small things can play an important role, especially in dealing with bureaucratic issues. Listen to the suggestions of more experienced colleagues.

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