In Thuringia, too, people went to the cinema more often to see “Barbie”, “Oppenheimer” and the like. Around 1.79 million cinema tickets were sold in the Free State in 2023, according to current information from the Film Funding Authority (FFA). That was 16.1 percent more than the year before. In the year before the corona pandemic in 2019, local cinemas sold around 2.35 million tickets.
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According to the FFA, with 95.7 million cinema tickets sold, the numbers nationwide had also recovered somewhat from the Corona dip last year, but were still far from the pre-pandemic level. In 2019, the FFA sold 118.6 million cards. The average ticket price has increased: cinemagoers in Thuringia will pay 9.57 euros for a ticket in 2023. The year before it was 9.19 euros and in 2019, the year before the pandemic, the average ticket price was 8.47 euros.
The sales of cinemas in Thuringia also increased from around 14.18 million euros in 2022 to around 17.16 million euros last year. In the pre-Corona year 2019 it was around 19.91 million euros.
According to the FFA, there were 49 cinemas in Thuringia last year, one less than the previous year. However, there has hardly been any major movement in the number of cinema venues in Thuringia in the recent past.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:240217-99-22396/2
In Thuringia, too, people went to the cinema more often to see “Barbie”, “Oppenheimer” and the like. Around 1.79 million cinema tickets were sold in the Free State in 2023, according to current information from the Film Funding Authority (FFA). That was 16.1 percent more than the year before. In the year before the corona pandemic in 2019, local cinemas sold around 2.35 million tickets.
According to the FFA, with 95.7 million cinema tickets sold, the numbers nationwide had also recovered somewhat from the Corona dip last year, but were still far from the pre-pandemic level. In 2019, the FFA sold 118.6 million cards. The average ticket price has increased: cinemagoers in Thuringia will pay 9.57 euros for a ticket in 2023. The year before it was 9.19 euros and in 2019, the year before the pandemic, the average ticket price was 8.47 euros.
2024-02-17 08:29:21
#Film #cinema #tickets #sold #Thuringia