Graz (AP) – The handball players from Thüringer HC and Borussia Dortmund missed the final in the European League. In front of around 1100 spectators on Saturday afternoon in the Sportpark Graz, THC lost in the first semi-final against Ikast Handbold with 26:31 (10:17). The Thuringian women’s best thrower was Nathalie Hendrikse with ten goals. Coach Herbert Müller’s team got off to a better start, but increasingly had to give up against the favored Danes.
In the duel that followed, the second German club said goodbye to the title fight. Dortmund lost 33:35 (32:32, 30:30, 17:13) to Nykøbing Falster from Denmark after a penalty throw. The most successful BVB shooter was Dana Bleckmann with seven goals. In the hard-fought game, the North Rhine-Westphalians finally had to admit defeat after a long lead and will now meet league rivals THC in the game for third place on Sunday (3:30 p.m.). The Danish final will kick off at 6 p.m. (both DAZN).
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2023-05-13 23:14:19
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