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thunderstorm, rain and a diamond brooch from Elizabeth II

The start of the first official trip abroad that the British kings have made since their coronation has not exactly had an easy start. this friday Carlos and Camila landed in Australia accompanied by rain and a thunderstormwhich has somewhat dulled the reception in Sydney. Of course, in his first appearance he has had time to capture some details, such as the Elizabeth II diamond brooch pinned to the queen’s dress.

It’s a shame that the arrival in the country was not as brilliant as expected, almost literally. The hours, now at night in Australia, and the weather have not exactly made it easy for this welcome to look as it should have, given that it is the first trip abroad that Carlos and Camilla make as kings.

So the first image of both on this royal tour has been separated by a few meters and going down the stairs of the plane, without – why not say it – much agility on either side.

Both carried their umbrellas in their hands, although in different ways. King Charles III kept it closed, while His wife did use hers, a large and transparent model with which she protected herself from the rain.which until a few minutes before landing had become so intense that it made people fear the advisability of landing.

Finally, the couple set foot on Australian soil and were greeted by a line of dignitaries, including the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. After the greetings and the queen receiving a bouquet of flowers from the hands of a child who fulfilled the dream of meeting them, they headed to Admiralty House, the residence of the Governor General of Sydneywhere they stay during their stay in the city.

A tea with the Prime Minister was planned there before the couple retired to rest and recover from the long flight, especially delicate for the health of King Charles III, who had to pause your cancer treatment to be able to face this journey.

Queen Camilla, after landing in Sydney. (Reuters)

Fortunately, the rain has not prevented us from seeing the look that Queen Camilla has chosen for this historic visit. Your choice has been a dress in bluethus confirming her love affair with this tone, which she has used on numerous occasions, including her first official photos as queen consort. Made of silk crepe, it is a design by Fiona Clare, very faithful to her usual style.

She has combined it with accessories in neutral tones so as not to create too much contrast with the electric blue of the dress. Or perhaps to not take away the prominence of that diamond brooch that we mentioned at the beginning and that has become the star of the look, not because of its value, but because of the history, since it belonged to her mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II.

With it, Camila not only paid tribute to the deceased monarch, but also to the close relationship he had with the people of Australiawho was the one who gave it to him in 1954. It is a piece that represents an acacia branch, created by the jeweler Paul Schneller and which contains yellow and blue diamondswith a large white one in the center representing the tea tree flower. Isabel II wore it on several occasions when she visited the country and her daughter-in-law wanted to follow in her footsteps.

The start of the first official trip abroad that the British kings have made since their coronation has not exactly had an easy start. this friday Carlos and Camila landed in Australia accompanied by rain and a thunderstormwhich has somewhat dulled the reception in Sydney. Of course, in his first appearance he has had time to capture some details, such as the Elizabeth II diamond brooch pinned to the queen’s dress.

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