Home » today » News » “Thunder and snow” hit many places in Henan. Blizzard in Zhengzhou and crows were flying all over the sky (Video) | Blizzard in Henan | Vision | China Epidemic | NTDTV

“Thunder and snow” hit many places in Henan. Blizzard in Zhengzhou and crows were flying all over the sky (Video) | Blizzard in Henan | Vision | China Epidemic | NTDTV

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, December 11, 2023]On December 10, many places in Henan Province were hit by blizzards, and the phenomenon of “thunder and snow” occurred, accompanied by purple lightning. Zhengzhou rarely saw a strange scene of large flocks of crows flying wildly in the snow. These ominous visions have made netizens panic: “I wonder what will happen in 2024!”

On the evening of the 10th, blizzard weather occurred in the central and western and northwestern parts of Henan Province. The depth of snow reached 18 centimeters in some areas. Many highways were closed to traffic and some passenger trains were suspended.

The Henan Railway Department announced that 112 trains bound for Beijing, Xiamen, Chengdu, Taiyuan and other directions were suspended, and some trains were delayed. The news triggered heated discussions among netizens: “Hey guys, nearly 100 trains have been stopped.” “High-speed rail is still not suitable in bad weather. Green trains are more practical.”

In addition, many highways in Henan Province were also temporarily closed. The Henan Expressway Traffic Police Corps Command Center announced that as of 8:20 on December 11, many expressways in Henan Province were closed.

A total of 134 road sections were closed in many places across the country due to snowfall and icy roads. Traffic information from the Road Network Center of the Ministry of Transport shows that as of 7:00 on the 11th, there are 134 road sections (involving 95 expressways, 4 Ordinary national highway) is closed.

Affected by the snowstorm, on December 11, the Zhengzhou Municipal Education Bureau issued a temporary suspension of classes: all junior high schools, primary schools and kindergarten students in the city were suspended. Waiting for notification when classes will resume.

“Thunder and snow” phenomenon occurred in many places in Henan

The snowstorm in Henan came quickly and violently, and there were many strange phenomena, which attracted attention. Video shows that in the early morning of December 11, “thunder and snow” phenomena rarely occurred in Kaifeng, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Yuanyang and other places in Henan Province. It snowed and thundered at the same time, accompanied by purple lightning.

Many Henan netizens were shocked by the loud thunder in the blizzard: “Yesterday there was thunder in Luoyang and Zhengzhou, and the thunder was very loud.” “It also thundered in Yuanyang.”

Since ancient times, “thundering snow” has been considered a harbinger of disaster, and many people are frightened by it: “The old man in the village said that a thunderous snowman eats iron.” “Thundering snowflakes float, and killing people does not require a knife.”

“In the first month of 2021, I remember online reports that thunderstorms appeared in Henan, and floods occurred in the summer of that year. Thunderstorms appeared in the Northeast at the end of 2022, and floods occurred in the summer of 23. Now it has happened again in Henan. I don’t know what will happen again in 2024. , I hope everyone is safe and well.”

(Screenshot of Douyin)

Crows are flying all over the sky during snowstorm in Zhengzhou

In addition to “thunder and snow”, Zhengzhou also rarely sees the strange sight of crows flying wildly in the snowstorm. A Zhengzhou netizen posted a video on the evening of the 10th, saying, “It’s snowing in Zhengzhou, and there are scary crows in the blizzard… What’s going on in Zhengzhou… Have you all seen it?”

The video shows that at night in Zhengzhou, heavy snow falls in the sky, and large groups of crows fly wildly in the snow and wind, creating a terrifying atmosphere. Witnesses exclaimed: “Look at this crow, oh, this crow!”

Currently, the epidemic in China is severe and hospitals in many places are full. Some netizens posted a video on December 10. Zhengzhou Children’s Hospital is overcrowded every day. It takes 7 or 8 hours to see a doctor a day. Many patients need to be hospitalized, but there is a shortage of hospital beds.

The CCP has been covering up the epidemic, and the official media has hardly reported the epidemic. However, information leaked on social media shows that there have been many deaths from the epidemic in China.

(Comprehensive reporting by reporter Luo Tingting/Editor in charge: Wen Hui)

2023-12-11 18:07:12
#Thunder #snow #hit #places #Henan #Blizzard #Zhengzhou #crows #flying #sky #Video #Blizzard #Henan #Vision #China #Epidemic #NTDTV

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