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Throwing eggs at President Lee Jae-yong in court… The culprit is Lee Mae-ri, a broadcaster.

Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Jae-yong avoids an egg that flew while attending a trial on charges of accounting fraud and wrongful merger held at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of 1. /Photos = News 1

President Lee Jae-yong was attacked by an “egg” while in court. The person who threw the egg was revealed to be broadcaster Lee Mae-ri.

On the 1st, President Lee visited the court to witness the expedited trial in the first trial of “Violation of the Capital Market and Financial Investment Business Act (wrongful merger and accounting fraud)” held in the Seoul Central District Court. Before the 10:00 am trial, I arrived in front of the west gate of the Court Complex in Seocho-gu, Seoul, around 9:40 am.

As President Lee got out of the car and walked towards the government building, an egg flew from the left. President Lee turned and avoided the egg.

The sudden turn of events made the president look perplexed. Courthouse guards hurriedly patrolled the area around President Lee. President Lee looked at the egg that had fallen to the floor and returned to the classroom.

Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Jae-yong avoids an egg that flew while attending a trial on charges of accounting fraud and wrongful merger held at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of 1. (Photo = News 1)

Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Jae-yong avoids an egg that flew while attending a trial on charges of accounting fraud and wrongful merger held at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of 1. (Photo = News 1)

The person who threw the egg at President Lee turned out to be broadcaster Lee Mae-ri. It is not known why Mr. Lee threw an egg at President Lee.

Mr. Lee entered the broadcasting industry in 1994 as the third open MC for MBC and has been active as an MC and actor. In 2014, due to health problems, broadcasting activities were temporarily suspended. Later, in 2019, he became a hot topic after the Me Too exposure, alleging that he was forced to serve alcohol and was sexually harassed by political, financial and academic figures.

The court is considering ways to charge Lee or limit his presence in court.

For the purposes of the succession of management rights, the chairman Lee

and Cheil Industries were prosecuted in 2020 for committing accounting irregularities and abusive mergers in the process of promoting the merger. Since he was indicted, he has been attending the court 1-2 times a week, with the exception of certain working hours.

Kim Eun-ji, Hankyung.com reporter [email protected]

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