Urnäsch has a cost share of 654,227 francs for the renovation of the through road and the village square. The share was originally CHF 757,000.
As the municipality of Urnäsch reports, in autumn 2017 the canton approved the loan for the overall renovation with the design of the Urnäsch through road, including the new village square. At CHF 1.761 million, the total costs that have now been settled are around CHF 120,000 below the approved loan.
The gross credit amounted to CHF 1.885 million, of which the canton had to bear CHF 1.128 million and the municipality of Urnäsch CHF 757,000. The construction work started in spring 2018 and ended in autumn 2019. At that time, the completion of the pavement in front of the new municipal office remained open. Now all the work is complete and the canton presents the final bill.
Accordingly, the costs for the canton amount to 1.107 million Swiss francs. Urnäsch pays CHF 432,435 as part of the renovation of the canton’s streets with the sidewalks and CHF 221,792 for the redesign of the village square, a total of CHF 654,227. This means that the costs for the canton and municipality of Urnäsch remain below the approved credit line.
More on the subject:
Franconia Autumn Urnäsch