A toilet without a queue is a blessing. Especially in the theater, where I’m pressed for time, or in a restaurant, where I’m pressed for alcohol. Plus, I usually go at the last minute, it’s always good, it’s always good… until suddenly it stops being good. Then you need to act quickly. Quicken your step, find the booth, the door scrapes a bit, a picosecond of pushing, aha, busy! If the other party reacts with a delay or simply doesn’t reach the handle, I get the sight of a face in shock, an arm frozen in motion, and feet tangled in lowered tights. Not everyone can keep their composure like the lady in the restrooms at the mall. She was sitting up straight and holding a purse in her lap with both hands. If I didn’t know what purpose she was enthroned there for, I would have thought she was traveling by trolleybus to visit her cousin. “Would you like something?” she asked me nonchalantly and I had no choice but to shake my head and back out with a small bow like a butler who had just served his lady a glass of evening sherry.
I would like to be able to do that too. Because when the toilet doesn’t have a lock and I can’t reach the handle, which I usually find out when there is no chance to clear the positions, I can only pray. Oh my God, let me make it, oh my God, don’t let anyone come, oh my God, just a minute, oh my God, there’s no toilet paper! I fumble around in my purse for a few empty tissue boxes, but no tissue. I haven’t bought newspapers in a long time and the receipts are unusable for this specific purpose. And we were arguing at home yesterday, whether it is better two-layer or three-layer, and whether it unwinds from the holder towards the wall or into the space! Now I’m happy when I find a leaflet in my purse that encourages me to buy securities. The favorable price is said to be determined by the current market situation, so I don’t have to think long. I want to call the phone number that I am missing one security right now, so please send it to me. But I will make one last attempt and make a loud request on the air. Within a second, I can find several securities at once from three sides, female solidarity works! With a tear in my eye, I wash my hands when the lady next to me says with a smile: “You know what I advise my friends as an accountant? Never take any major action until you have all the paperwork together!”