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Three workouts that 100% pay off the fatigue

The pandemic has put us in front of annoying restrictions. One of the most heartfelt is the one that prohibits training in gyms, swimming pools and sports centers.

Thus, in order to exercise it is necessary to make do. But training alone is not easy: there is a lack of tools and motivations. It’s easy, then, to jump into imaginative workout routines.


Often, the paradox is that we struggle a lot but get very little. So what to do?

It is good to rely on proven protocols

The best thing is to rely on proven protocols and calibrate them to your capabilities. Don’t get caught up in the heat or rush to see improvement. They reward method and quality of the gesture.

Here are three workouts that 100% pay off the fatigue. These are methods used by many athletes in athletic training (i boxers, for example), but easily customizable and adaptable to everyone’s level.

Three workouts that 100% pay off the fatigue

It’s not about which exercises to do, but how to do them.

The following protocols are patterns to follow, which can contain various types of exercises, bodyweight or weighted. These are workouts that need nothing more than a minimum of space to get the body moving.

The first protocol is EMOM. The name stands for “Every Minute On the Minute”. It consists in repeating a certain number of repetitions (example: 12) of a given exercise (example: burpees) within one minute of time. Once the repetitions are finished, the time left is used to recover. If we take 35 seconds to do 12 burpees, we use the other 25 to recover. It is possible to compose an EMOM in various ways and with various exercises.

A proposal? 21-minute EMOM: first minute 12 burpees, second minute 12 squat jumps, third minute 24 mountain climbers. Repeat the pattern up to 21 minutes.

The second protocol is AMRAP. Here too it is an acronym: “As Many Reps As Possible”. It’s very simple. Once a circuit of exercises has been determined (example: 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) the circuit is repeated until the preset time expires (example: 20 minutes). Recovery is not expected; it means we can rest when we need it.

The third protocol is the much used one TABATA, the high intensity training par excellence. This time the name comes from its creator, Dr. Izumi Tabata. The classic pattern consists of repeating an exercise 8 times within 4 minutes. You work for 20 seconds and rest the next 10 seconds. For optimal work, repeat the pattern at least 4 times, preferably with cardio exercises (burpees, skip, squat jump…).

Here, now we can work peacefully.

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