Home » today » News » Three serious attacks were recorded in the New York subway in just eight hours | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Three serious attacks were recorded in the New York subway in just eight hours | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

adriana: even if inlast month there was adecrease in shootings,crime continues to increasein relation to the period of lifeof the last year.according to the statistics ofpolice department ofNew York.íctor: the shootings failedat 13.2%, homicides in arobberies increased by 36.5%.adriana: big theftsscale had an increase of42.8%.car theft, 36.7%.íctor: let’s take a look at these othersrecorded Tamil fire dataincreased aggressionpublic transport system.we are talking about 16.8%.adriana: only this thursdayrecorded three severe attacksin just eight hours. damarisíaz tells us what was whatpeacockdamaris: good afternoon,the violent attacks continuein subway stationsNew York..according to local authorities,this October 6 in a period ofeight hours, a man died andthey were three individualsinjured in accidentsseparate. each ofthe victims were stabbedunknown subjects withoutany provocation. the place to sitfatal occurred on a dirt roadholy 176.the victim, a 38-year-old manyears were going down from toline four train, it was onnorth direction and a subjectunknown tied him withoutprovocation, stabbed him in theback and chestrepeatedly. even though I saw it wasrushed to thehospital, unfortunately notsurvived. the police are still insideposted this photo ofsuspicious throughout the area.They haven’t been able to find it yet.but this was not the only onebloody attack on the subway.hours before there were threeother incidents, all insame subway line. two ofthese occurred in the sameand with.what you live isunbelievable, he’s insecurealso in transportall counties. theCrime has increased a lot.damaris: we tell you whatthe authorities do atips that could save yourslife.

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