Home » Health » Three reasons why getting vaccinated against measles is so important – El Sol de Tlaxcala

Three reasons why getting vaccinated against measles is so important – El Sol de Tlaxcala

The measlesAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), It is one of the leading causes of death in children. It is a highly contagious disease Acquired at any age through the air or direct contact with an infected person. It is characterized by the appearance of small red spots on the skin, high fever, and cold symptoms.

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The The only way to prevent measles is with the MMR vaccine. (which protects against measles, rubella and mumps). This two-phase inoculation has been administered from early childhood for 40 years; however, many people currently do not have it. In that sense, we share three powerful reasons why you should check your vaccination record and, if it is incomplete, go to any IMSS clinic to request it for free. In the same way, consider this information to complete your children’s booklet.

Reasons to get vaccinated against measles

There is no specific treatment or therapy for measles.. Most patients without complications will recover with rest, supportive treatment, and for seriously ill patients, management is given according to complications, which include pneumonia and encephalitis, even causing death if not treated in time.

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According to the WHO, global measles deaths increased by nearly 50% since 2016 and it is expected to continue claiming lives as long as projected vaccination numbers are not met.

To control measles and prevent outbreaks and deaths, the required coverage rates with MCV1 and MCV2 vaccines should reach 95 percent (known as herd immunity) and maintained at the national and subnational levels. Coverage of MCV1 has stagnated globally for more than a decade, between 84 and 85 percent. MCV2 coverage has been steadily increasing, but only now stands at 71%. Measles vaccination coverage remains well below the 95 percent or better needed with both doses to control measles and prevent outbreaks and deaths.

More information: ➡️Measles spreads at an alarming rate in the world: Unicef

In that sense, Vaccines do not work only individually, but also collectively, so having a complete inoculation scheme could also benefit your community.

There is no safer supply in the field of medicine than vaccines. Measles is no exception, it is very effective.

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Two doses are about 97 percent effective in preventing measles if there is exposure to the virus. One dose is about 93 percent effective.

For certainty, the data: measles vaccines saved the lives of an estimated 23 million children between 2000 and 2018, one of the clearest advances in modern medicine. There is no reason to distrust them.

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