Kara/Adobe Stock
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Freiburg (ots) –
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In a traffic accident on Thursday evening, December 29, 2022, between Waldshut and Gurtweil, three people were slightly injured. At around 18:10, an 18-year-old Renault driver drove from Eichenholzstrasse onto Gurtweiler Strasse, which has priority, and collided with a VW driving there. In the VW, the 66-year-old driver was slightly injured, as were two passengers in the Renault. The two were taken to hospital by ambulance for further medical treatment. Both cars were no longer drivable and had to be towed. The material damage amounts to a total of approximately 10,000 euros.
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Media inquiries please contact:
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Freiburg Police Headquarters Press Office Mathias Albicker Telephone: 07741 / 8316 – 201 [email protected]
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolizeiFR Facebook: https://facebook.com/PolizeiFreiburg Homepage: http://www.polizei-bw.de/
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– Outside office hours – e-mail: [email protected]
Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters