factor: the death of threepedestrians questionthe effectiveness of the plan “minkzero”.all drivers fledof the scene and left theirvictims abandoned to theirluck.announcer: it happened again …a 33-year-old manhighway was run over onSaturday night and died.according to the police, the driverthat overwhelmed him could be a27-year-old driver,who allegedly abandoned hisvehicle one mile fromaccident.this New Yorker gives us hisopinion.they go out drunk.announcer: this unfortunateincident was the third case inthe city in less than 24 hours.another victim died insimilar circumstances in thebronx.the man was trying to cross thebroadway, when was itrun over by adriver didn’t stop either.about 16 miles away, cry theplan wasJorge Brown was run overfor a truck.there were 94 pedestrian deathsthis year until 22October, compared to 75in the same period of the yearlast.What measures could be takento decrease these incidents?raise awareness thatstreets are not only forthose of us who have cars.the streets are for pedestrians,residents, tourists andvisitors.the streets must bereorganized, taking aspriority to pedestrians andcyclists.announcer: the police investigateall three cases and asks for their help.if you have any informationcall 18857 “hint”.the reward for someone who