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Three participants out of “The Farm Celebrity”

The last two “Farmen kjendis” participants were to qualify further in the final week of a knowledge competition. This meant that for three of the participants, the journey ended here.

“Norway’s toughest” winner Isak Dreyer (28), former handball player Kjersti Grini (50), artist Heine Totland (51) and influencer Øyunn Krogh (26) had already moved on in the previous competitions.

FURTHER: Heine Totland, Øyunn Krogh, Kjersti Grini and Isak Dreyer qualified further in the final week. Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

In the end, it was the influencers Sophie Elise Isachsen (27) and Marna Haugen (40) who secured the last two places in the final week.

Thus, Farmen was the celebrity journey for host Dorthe Skappel (59), radio profile Niklas Baarli (32) and Dagen editor Vebjørn Selbekk (52).

See what the eliminated participants think about breaking out in the video at the top of the case.

KNOWLEDGE: Three participants had to leave the Farm celebrity, a few days before the final.  Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

KNOWLEDGE: Three participants had to leave the Farm celebrity, a few days before the final. Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

Had nothing more to give

When the trio talks to TV 2 shortly after the exit, everyone takes the loss with crushing calm.

– It was perfectly fine to break out. I felt I was a winner no matter the outcome – if I lost I had to come home to my wife. Now I’m thoroughly tired of this monastic life I’ve lived. I have done my best, and more than that I can not do. I am very happy, says Selbekk and smiles.

– I went into that day here, and thought: “Now that’s enough, now I want to go home”. I managed to get to the final week, and it must be good enough. It was really fantastic, says Skappel.

CANNOT BE MORE: Dorthe Skappel says she knew several of the answers in the knowledge competition, but felt finished on the farm.  Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

CANNOT BE MORE: Dorthe Skappel says she knew several of the answers in the knowledge competition, but felt finished on the farm. Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

Although the 59-year-old admits that she knew the answers well, the motivation was not present to join the race.

– It is not that you give up, but I thought: “You know what, that’s enough for me”. I have never been interested in getting further than the final week. My journey was to be about participating in everything from farming, and not so much of the competition itself. It was not important to me, and it never has been, she explains.

– Street knowledge is not the same

Despite the fact that Baarli made it all the way to the final week, he admits that it feels a bit sour to smoke so close to a final. Still, he looks back on his stay as a good experience.

– It’s a bit sour not to run away with a car, but I did not expect it either. When it came to knowledge, it turned out that street knowledge from Moss is not the same as farm knowledge from 1922, he admits.

NOT READ: Niklas Baarli has not devoted a minute to reading in the farm book on Farmen kjendis.  Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

NOT READ: Niklas Baarli has not devoted a minute to reading in the farm book on Farmen kjendis. Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

He has left the farm book untouched while he has been on the farm. He has rather devoted his time to having a nice and good experience with the others.

– I could at least open the book. I did not spend a minute reading it. That’s what cost me my place today.

One who, however, opened the farm book look and often was Selbekk, and there were several who were surprised when he lost to Isachsen and Haugen. Trønderen has been feared in knowledge on the farm, and several considered him a favorite to secure a place further.

FEARED: All of the participants were afraid to meet Vebjørn Selbekk in knowledge.  Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

FEARED: All of the participants were afraid to meet Vebjørn Selbekk in knowledge. Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

– Mine, and all its competitors are in, is Vebjørn, Isachsen pointed out before the knowledge competition started.

– My tactic has been to emphasize knowledge – that I can beat most people in. Today it cracked a little, but inside the yard it has worked well. Most were terrified to meet me in knowledge. That was probably what made me survive, he explains.

SHOCKED: Sophie Elise Isachsen shocked herself, when she captured one of the last two places further in the final week of Farmen celebrity.  Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

SHOCKED: Sophie Elise Isachsen shocked herself, when she captured one of the last two places further in the final week of Farmen celebrity. Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

Gone a bullet hot

Living in the infamous Farmen celebrity bubble can quickly get hot. Living 100 years back in time was a tougher experience for Skappel than she had imagined.

– It has been a very nice experience, but also much tougher than I had thought. I have probably been able to use all aspects of myself – for better or worse. I’m not as proud of everything, but I get to live with it, she says, pointing to a special thing:

– My anger I think maybe is worst. I’m not a very angry person in the first place, but I react violently to injustice, and am either very sorry or extremely cursed. Then it’s a hot ball, but it tends to pass quickly.

– It probably took a couple of ladles and a shape that broke in about two, so it was a bit hefty, she says.

Baarli is also surprised to have seen new sides of himself inside the farm. Especially how easily flammable he is.

– I thought I was much more diplomatic. Also, I’m amazed at how incredibly hard I went into that bubble. I plunged into it with my head first and thought this is the most important thing in the world. I did not think I was going to do it, says the 32-year-old.

– Absolutely strange to see

The trio agrees that the Farmen celebrity stay has exceeded all expectations.

– It has been absolutely fantastic to be in 1922. A completely unique experience. I feel it’s a gift. I leave the Farm celebrity as a richer person than when I went in, says Selbekk.

LOST: Marna Haugen took the last place in the final week, and beat Vebjørn Selbekk.  Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

LOST: Marna Haugen took the last place in the final week, and beat Vebjørn Selbekk. Photo: TV 2 / Alex Iversen

With good memories in his luggage, Baarli returns to everyday life with fewer kilos than when he pulled in. He is looking forward to showing it to his husband.

– I have become so slim and delicious now, it is completely strange to see. I guess I have lost between ten and fifteen kilos. I look forward to coming home to my boyfriend to say, “Look at my boy’s summer body, look at me now, am I not gorgeous?” At least I think so myself, he concludes.

Watch the final week of Farmen kjendis on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday on TV 2 and whenever you want TV 2 Play.

Watch the entire season of Torpet celebrity on TV 2 Play when you want.

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