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Three murders in 24 hours | Abdulla Shaikh allegedly used a homemade weapon

Abdulla Shaikh allegedly used a homemade weapon to gun down three innocent people over the past few days, our sources say. In addition, he would have fired at least two shots in the direction of the police before being shot Thursday morning.

Posted at 7:19 p.m.
Updated at 8:51 p.m.

Alice Girard-Bosse

Alice Girard-Bosse
The Press

Lila Dussault

Lila Dussault
The Press

According to police sources, the suspect made his semi-automatic handgun by assembling separate parts. He would also have had in his possession an industrial quantity of ammunition and high capacity magazines.

We must do more prevention, with street gangs, in mental health, and about the entry of illegal weapons into Canada, thinks Josée Rioux, criminologist, president of the Professional Order of Criminologists of Quebec and in charge of teaching at Laval University. “To put a gun in the hands of someone like [Abdulla Shaikh]which was probably in crisis [psychotique], that brings us to this. »

“The fact that he has already had charges [au criminel]technically, he could not buy weapons [à feu]. It would be important to know if the system failed, or if it worked for this guy. You don’t buy a weapon like that if you don’t know where to find it, ”said Maria Mourani, criminologist and president of Mourani Criminology.

Shots fired at the police

Thursday morning, the police officers of the Tactical Intervention Group (GTI) would have approached the room he had rented at the Motel Pierre, in the borough of Saint-Laurent, and would have given a first ramming in the door, who wouldn’t give in. Still, according to our sources, the noise woke up the suspect who sat up on his bed.

The police would have given a second water hammer to break down the door. The suspect then allegedly fired at least two shots at the police who responded by killing him.

The investigation into the three cases is still ongoing. We proceeded during the day to the expertise of the electronic devices belonging to the suspect as well as to searches of his accommodation.

Death threats

A year and a half earlier, Mr. Shaikh would have threatened employees of the hospital where he was a patient with death, indicated Nathalie Bourque, interim president of the Union of workers of the CISSS of Laval-CSN. “I’m going to have your full name, I’m going to find you and I’m going to kill you,” he allegedly told one of the beneficiary attendants. “It was recurring. There were stares. He watched from afar with menacing eyes. He was tenacious in his words, ”says Mme Bourque.

At some point, Mr. Shaikh allegedly put his hand on the attendant’s shoulder and mentioned the woman’s full name. “The employee was scared. The staff contacted the police,” says Mr.me Bourque. Judging that these were veiled threats, the police would not have taken the employee’s complaint. “She nevertheless persevered with her manager and management made the decision to change her department,” she says. Fearing being tracked down by Mr Shaikh, the woman reportedly changed her name and profile picture on Facebook, she claims.

In addition, a member of Mr. Shaikh’s family allegedly brought him a knife during his stay in the hospital, since the latter complained of buttering his toast with a plastic knife, says Ms.me Bourque. “The family doesn’t really see the danger. So a chance that there was the principle of the search in psychiatry and that the knife was found, ”she said.

The medical staff of the establishment were “in shock” when they learned that Mr. Shaikh is the suspect of the three murders committed in the last days. “Maybe the next victim would have been someone from the hospital,” says Mr.me Bourque.

The victims of this series of homicides are Alex Lévis Crevier, a 22-year-old Laval resident, André Fernand Lemieux, a 64-year-old man, father of Quebec boxer David Lemieux and Mohamed Salah Belhaj, an intervention officer at the health hospital. mental health Albert-Prévost, 48, were killed.

With Daniel Renaud, Mayssa Ferah and Henri Ouellette-Vézina, The Press

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