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three million officially recorded cases in India

The toll of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus exceeded 805,000 dead on Sunday 23 August, according to a count from Agence France-Presse (AFP), at a time when many countries are facing an outbreak of new cases and multiply the restrictions.

The United States is the most bereaved country, with at least 176,371 deaths. Next come Brazil (114,250), Mexico (60,254), India (56,706) and the United Kingdom (41,423).

In this context, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended wearing a mask for the “Children aged 12 and over under the same conditions as adults”. And this, “In particular, when they cannot guarantee a distance of at least one meter from others and if transmission is generalized in the area concerned”. WHO has also declared, through the voice of his boss, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to hope “Put an end to this pandemic in less than two years”.

  • India crosses three million reported cases

India passed the milestone of three million people carrying the new coronavirus on Sunday, the Indian Ministry of Health announced on Sunday.

The second most populous nation on the planet has reported 69,239 new infections and 912 additional deaths, bringing to 56,706 the total number of people who have succumbed to Covid-19 disease since the start of the pandemic, according to figures official. With Indian authorities only testing patients with symptoms, experts say these numbers are underestimated.

India instituted a brutal national lockdown at the end of March, which it lifted in early June to attempt to revive a bloodless economy.

Local authorities have imposed local reconfinements in states and cities, particularly in the states of Haryana (north) and Punjab (north-west), where, in recent weeks, the number of confirmed cases has peaked. Previously, the main affected areas were the mega-cities of New Delhi and Mumbai, which have some of the largest slums in the world.

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  • 60,000 dead since the start of the epidemic in Mexico

More than 60,000 people have succumbed to Covid-19 in Mexico, a number that goes beyond the scenario “The most catastrophic” what had the health authorities of the country envisaged, they announced Saturday. Some 644 deaths have been recorded over the last twenty-four hours, for a total of 60,254 deaths, according to the health ministry.

The authorities have nevertheless been optimistic recently. On Tuesday, the Under Secretary for Health, Hugo Lopez-Gatell, assured that the epidemic had entered “In decline” by announcing a decrease in the figures on cases of infection and deaths linked to the coronavirus. But specialists express doubts in view of the few tests carried out in the country.

The first case of coronavirus was detected there on February 28. The government declared lockdown on March 23, but without sanction for breaches and essential economic activities were not affected by lockdown. An easing was then introduced for certain economic sectors.

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  • Increase in the number of contaminations in Germany

A sign advising to wear a mask, in Berlin, August 10, 2020.

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus contamination in Germany climbed to 232,864, or 782 more than the day before, according to data released on Sunday by the Robert-Koch Institute (RKI), the federal public institution responsible for the fight against infectious diseases.

Two more deaths have been reported, according to the German institute, bringing the total to 9,269 deaths since the start of the epidemic in the country.

The number of new infections has risen sharply in the country in recent days, due, say the authorities, to the massive return of German tourists who have spent their holidays in risk areas abroad.

  • Biggest daily increase since March in South Korea

South Korea on Sunday reported the largest daily rise in coronavirus cases since the start of March, prompting officials to fear the country lies “On the verge of a national epidemic”. The majority of the 397 new infections were recorded in the greater Seoul area, where half of the population of the country of 51 million reside, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Authorities have warned that in the event of a further rapid increase in the number of cases, social distancing measures could be further stepped up. Last week, restrictions were tightened in Seoul and its region. On Saturday, they were extended to the entire territory. So far, South Korea has counted a total of 17,399 cases of contamination, half of which came from the Seoul area, and 309 deaths.

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  • England tackles rave parties

England in turn tackles rave parties. Organizers of illegal rave parties bringing together more than thirty people could be fined up to 10,000 pounds (11,100 euros), reports the PA agency, cited by the Guardian. The participants risk a fine of 100 pounds (110 euros).

The Metropolitan Police say they have visited more than a thousand unauthorized parties since the end of June, including two hundred on a single weekend. For the Minister of the Interior, Priti Patel, “These gatherings are dangerous and those who organize them show a profound disregard for the safety of others. I am happy to see that the police are stepping up their actions, and I am giving them the tools to continue to protect us. We will continue to crack down on the small minority who believe they are above the law. “

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In France too, these gatherings have been decried by the authorities. To date, no outbreak of infection linked to free party was not reported by a regional health agency in the country.

41,509 people have died in the UK since the start of the epidemic, according to the latest count from Johns Hopkins University.

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

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