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Three mental health guides to take care of emotional well-being on Instagram

Madrid, Jul 16 (EFE) .- Mental Health Spain has created three guides to help through Instagram to maintain emotional well-being and mental health in these moments sensitive to the coronavirus crisis.

It is a tool to give visibility to mental health and provide useful information that allows understanding, preventing and addressing problems that have to do with it on Instagram, a social network with which Mental Health Spain wants to reach young people.

One of the guides is aimed at adolescents, another at social health personnel and the third is about reconciliation and how to adapt to the new reality after the pandemic.

Instagram launched these types of guides during the coronavirus crisis to help users of the audiovisual network find reliable and interesting content.

UNICEF and creators Alfonso Casas, the actor Damián Alcolea, @mienfermerafavorita or the illustrator Debi Hasky have participated in these three Mental Health Spain guides, which can be found on the @consaludmental account.

These documents include issues such as self-care, emotion management, cabin syndrome, grief, suicide prevention, uncertain future employment, reconciliation, or stress management. EFE

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