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three intoxes on the compulsory vaccination of caregivers

A nurse prepares the vaccine in a center. (Drawing). (GUILLAUME BONNEFONT / MAXPPP)

In one week, on September 15, all people who work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes or retirement homes will be subject to compulsory vaccination against Covid-19. Pending this entry into force, messages, widely shared on social networks, affirm that many caregivers would refuse vaccination or that hospitals would be in difficulty in the face of a shortage of staff. The True from False cell goes around these intoxes.

First rumor: many caregivers continue to refuse vaccination. A false statement since a large majority is now vaccinated. According to the latest estimate from Public Health France, nearly 87% in hospital have received at least one dose. This is much more than in mid-July when the health pass was announced, when they were only 62%.

Moreover, this figure of 87% is underestimated according to the Ministry of Health because all the staff have not yet provided their certificate, not to mention those who have had Covid-19 recently and who are exempt from the vaccine for six months. On the other hand, the ministry does not give details by profession, knowing that traditionally, mistrust of vaccines is stronger among nursing assistants than doctors, for example.

It is a very shared message: that of Florian Philippot, the president of the Patriots party very opposed to health measures, who affirms that 30% of caregivers at the Nantes University Hospital are not vaccinated. Except that this figure is wrong. The Nantes University Hospital, which we contacted, disputes.

According to the Nantes hospital, 15% of the staff have not yet provided the supporting documents and the CHU specifies that the “almost all of its health professionals are vaccinated”. “The supporting documents are still being received, during the start / end of vacation period, with regular and daily reception. This figure is therefore changing every day, in a logic of increase “, continues the CHU.

This does not mean that there will not be some difficulties, recognizes for its part the Hospital Federation of France but beware, she says, to these particular cases highlighted on social networks, which do not necessarily reflect the reality.

The Cochin hospital would have chosen to postpone the vaccine obligation to October 15 for lack of adhesion to the vaccine, according to messages widely shared on social networks. Again, this is wrong.

The date of October 15 advanced in these messages does exist, but it is the last deadline to obtain his second dose. This date has been written into law since this summer. There is nothing new and it applies to all hospitals. The Cochin hospital also replied to the tweet in question.

In addition, the vaccination rate at Cochin Hospital reached 83% for all staff. Concerning the AP-HP (Paris hospitals), 95% of the medical staff received at least one dose on September 6, 66% for the non-medical staff (health manager, medico-technical and socio-educational staff, etc. …) and 84% of non-nursing staff (administrative, techinques etc …).

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