Accidents – Dresden:Three injured and high damage after accident in Dresden
Directly from the dpa news channel
Dresden (dpa / sn) – A six-year-old and two adults were slightly injured in a collision between two cars in Dresden. The accident happened on Sunday afternoon, according to the police at an intersection. The fire department said both cars were badly damaged. The 33-year-old driver of one car, her six-year-old daughter and the 37-year-old driver of the other car were able to free themselves from the vehicles, according to the police. The fire department said the mother and daughter were taken to a hospital. The liquid that ran out of the cars at the scene of the accident was bound and secured by fire protection. A total of 44 firefighters were deployed.
A police spokesman said on Monday that the cause of the collision is still being determined. The resulting property damage amounts to 23,000 euros.
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