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Three doses against Covid and another resignation: the vaccination of the president of the CLC that ended in a health summary

The departure of the head of outpatient services, a complaint to the Ministry of Health and a health summary.

Those are the accounts left by an episode that occurred on Saturday, July 3, at the Las Condes Clinic (CLC). That day, around noon, Alejandro Gil (73), president of the board of directors, went to the vaccination unit of the medical facility. He was accompanied by the Nursing Manager, Andrea Gaete.

The two nurses who were in the box at the time were surprised to see him, and even more so when the executive asked them to give Gil a dose of the Pfizer vaccine, even though he had the complete Sinovac scheme.

The fact was reported in the complaint that both professionals later wrote in an email they sent to their superiors, to which they had access Third. “We were in this process when Alejandro Gil Gómez spoke on the phone, took a seat in the box, ignoring the wait for previously admitted patients. He does not enter with administrative staff and he is accompanied by the nurse Andrea Gaete, who asked us that we should vaccinate the patient with Pfizer vaccine, since an antibody test was carried out which resulted in non-reactive results, ”the letter said.

According to the complaint, both informed Gil that they had already supplied him with two doses of the vaccine. Sinovac, so it was not appropriate to inoculate with Pfizer. Given the refusal of the nurses, he assured them that his treating doctor had sent him to be vaccinated with it.

One of the nurses – they report in the mail – entered the RUT into the National Immunization Registry (RNI) system and confirmed that the manager had been administered two doses of Covid vaccine. For the same reason, both nurses explained that “His vaccination has already been carried out and it cannot be carried out, because the national system gives us an error alert.”

But the Nursing manager and Gil insisted that they should carry out the vaccination, arguing that he “attends many sectors of the clinic that are at risk,” the same document stated. Then, one of the nurses took a photo of the RNI file and Gil’s identity card. Immediately afterwards, his partner applied the third dose to the president of the CLC board of directors, this time from the laboratory Pfizer.

The email that detailed what happened was received by the jefa of Outpatient Services, Leticia Ortiz, and the vaccination coordinator, Carla Garrido. The latter gathered more information on the case and sent a report to the person in charge of the National Immunization Program.

The case had been kept in reserve until yesterday, when after 3:00 p.m. Ortiz’s resignation was confirmed, who has a Master’s Degree in Management of Clinics and Hospitals from the Adolfo Ibáñez University and accumulated 15 years of experience in CLC.

His departure adds to the list of doctors who have been fired and others who decided to leave the institution in recent months, such as Tomás Regueira, former head of the clinic’s Intensive Care Unit; Luis Herrada, former medical director; Roberto Postigo, spinal traumatologist, and Andrés Larach, surgeon and specialist in the digestive system. They are joined by at least four more doctors who left during the last week.

Gil’s “extra” vaccination is known just at a time when the government is studying whether or not to apply a third dose to those who have the complete CoronaVac scheme, which is 70% of those immunized in Chile. In this framework, it is studied whether bet on a third dose from the same laboratory, or initiate a combination of schemes from different laboratories. There it would be possible to inoculate with Pfizer.

However, the decision has not been made and there is no authorization so far to carry it out in the country. In fact, the Ministry of Health explained to Third what “At the national level, to date there is no Programming Error (EPRO)”. Therefore, Gil would be the only Chilean with three vaccines against Covid.

In this framework, through a statement, CLC confirmed to this newspaper the application of a third dose of immunization to the president of the board of directors, for which a self-report was subsequently made to the Ministry of Health. “Clínica Las Condes complies and has rigorously complied with all the vaccination protocols established by the health authority, as well as the medical indications given by the treating doctors,” he said.

“In the aforementioned context, Mr. Alejandro Gil, despite having been vaccinated with two doses, when performing a Spike Antibody test, Due to being a person with a high risk of contagion and varied preexistence, he registered a result below the minimum to consider the existence of immunity. Due to the foregoing, and on the express instructions of his treating physician, he was vaccinated again. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Clínica Las Condes immediately proceeded to present a self-report to the Ministry of Health, attaching all the information related to the case, ”the statement concluded.

Meanwhile, from the Metropolitan Health Seremi explained that CLC notified the National Immunization Program of a Programming Error (EPRO), in which it was reported that a person had received a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

“There is a constant surveillance plan. We have a team of nurses who are deployed at the vaccination points, supervising the process and verifying that the vaccination schedule is met. If non-compliances are detected, a sanitary summary is carried out ”, explained the authority.

In addition, he reported that Seremi personnel went to the medical facility to initiate a sanitary investigation, whose sanctions will be determined at the end of the investigation, and maintained that to date they are not aware of other cases in which a third dose has been applied.

The former head of the Outpatient Services, Leticia Ortiz, and the coordinator of the vaccination, Carla Garrido, declined to comment on this article. The latter was fired today during the morning.

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