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Three destroyed apartments left by intentional fire in Florida: one arrested | National

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Posted by Felipe Delgado

The information is from Christian Borcoski

Monday October 14, 2024 | 06:53


Automatic summary generated with Artificial Intelligence

Three apartments were destroyed after an intentional fire that occurred this morning in La Florida. The incident broke out in a block on Rafael Matus Street, prompting the arrival of firefighters to control the emergency. Although the owner of the apartment where the flames started did not know its origin, witnesses pointed out a 42-year-old man who had previously threatened to burn the block. This individual, under the influence of alcohol and drugs, was arrested by Carabineros. The incident left one person injured by a cut while trying to help rescue belongings.

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Three departments were destroyed by an intentional fire that occurred this morning in the commune of Florida.

The accident occurred in un block located on Rafael Matus street, where firefighters arrived to contain the emergency.

After controlling the fire, the owner was interviewed of the apartment where the flames started what had been the origin of the incident. His response was that he did not know.

However, witnesses indicated that the perpetrator was a 42-year-old man, who before the fire He threatened the neighbors with burning the block.

The individual would have acted under the effects of alcohol and drugs. Carabineros lieutenant, Rodrigo Bustos, indicated that the subject was detained.

The fire left an injured person, who suffered a cut from a burst window while helping those affected rescue their belongings.

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