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three criteria for joining the North Atlantic Alliance

German diplomat Ischinger announced the criteria for the impossibility of Ukraine joining NATO


The politician spoke about three criteria that will not allow Ukraine to join NATO
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Ukraine will not be able to join the North Atlantic Alliance until three NATO criteria are met. This was stated by the German diplomat and former president of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger.

“When it comes to Ukraine’s NATO membership, one should keep in mind the three criteria that have been applied to the expansion of the alliance since 1997. Three questions are considered: Is the country in question united in its desire to join NATO or will potential membership lead to internal divisions? Are all alliance members in favor of granting membership? Will membership of the country in question increase European security and stability in general?” Ischinger commented to the publication. Politic.

The politician recalled the controversial debate that ensued after he raised the question of Ukraine joining NATO in Bucharest in 2008. “Then German Chancellor Angela Merkel and then French President Nicolas Sarkozy concluded that the answer could not be affirmative to all three questions,” Ischinger added.

Earlier, URA.RU reported the words of the adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine Arestovich terms of entry NATO countries. The politician believes that joining the alliance can take place in the summer of 2023. In September 2022, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the country was applying for NATO membership on an accelerated basis. Life. However, according to experts, the country’s admission to the North Atlantic Alliance is completely out of the question. NATO will not accept Ukraine in any way, because otherwise European countries would have to fight with Russia, and nobody needs it, according to military expert Viktor Litovkin MK.


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Ukraine will not be able to join the North Atlantic Alliance until three NATO criteria are met. This was stated by the German diplomat and former president of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger. “When it comes to Ukraine’s NATO membership, one should keep in mind the three criteria that have been applied to the expansion of the alliance since 1997. Three questions are considered: Is the country in question united in its desire to join NATO or will potential membership lead to internal divisions? Are all alliance members in favor of granting membership? Will belonging to the country in question increase European security and stability in general?” Ischinger commented to Politico. The politician recalled the controversial debate that ensued after he raised the question of Ukraine joining NATO in Bucharest in 2008. “Then German Chancellor Angela Merkel and then French President Nicolas Sarkozy concluded that the answer could not be affirmative to all three questions,” Ischinger added. Earlier, URA.RU reported the words of the adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine Arestovich on the timing of the country’s entry into NATO. The politician believes that joining the alliance can take place in the summer of 2023. In September 2022, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the country was applying for NATO membership on an accelerated basis, reports Life. However, according to experts, the country’s admission to the North Atlantic Alliance is completely out of the question. NATO will not accept Ukraine in any way, because otherwise European countries would have to fight with Russia, and nobody needs it, according to military expert Viktor Litovkin MK.

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