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Three books to devour about the city of the past, present and future

  • The secret society of those who walk at random

Rémy Oudghiri likes to walk randomly through the streets of Paris. Little by little, he realizes that others share his taste for wandering. How to recognize them? Perhaps quite simply by approaching random passers-by, in the street and in the cafés frequented by the author, to ask them this harmless and intimate question: “Do you like to walk at random?” “Can we do an investigation on such a subject?” asks a stroller. “And why not? We do surveys on just about everything these days,” replies the author, well placed to know since he is himself a sociologist.

However, the study in question here has nothing academic about it and the author’s approach borrows as much from the surrealists as from the methods of fieldwork. Between two random encounters with individuals who also walk at random, Oudghiri delves into his childhood memories in Casablanca where he grew up to track the origins of his love of wandering. In an urbanized and interconnected world, the solitary walkers that the author encounters are of all ages and conditions, even if they share the same romantic belief that adventure still awaits them around the corner. We want to believe them and follow in their footsteps, not without having disabled GPS navigation.

The Top Secret Society of Lone Walkers, by Rémy Oudghiri. PUF.

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