In the truest sense of the word, “all hell broke loose” on Friday evening in front of the Hells Angels clubhouse in Pattigham. The controversial motorcycle club has had a clubhouse in the community of 1,000 for many years. In 2005, the motorcycle rockers bought a former inn next to the parish church.
The facade is decorated with a winged skull, and instead of an inn it reads “Angel Place”. On Friday evening, heavily armed forces from the police special unit Cobra stormed the Hells Angels building. According to Alois Ebner, spokesman for the Ried public prosecutor’s office, the main reason for the sensitive operation and the subsequent house search was an incident in a dance hall in Tumeltsham.
Wild scenes in a dance hall
“A number of members of the motorcycle club showed up at this bar in mid-September. There were ultimately several intentional bodily harms there, and they also wanted to extort protection money from the bar owner. According to the investigations so far, there was a threat that such a ‘visit’ would happen again “If you are not prepared to pay money,” says Ebner when asked by OÖN. The owner of the bar was apparently unimpressed by the rockers’ visit and went to the police. This was followed by the “return visit” to Pattigham by the Cobra. “Firearms, prohibited weapons, narcotic drugs and several data carriers were seized, which are now being evaluated in detail,” says Ebner.
more on the subject
Two arrests after Cobra operation in Pattigham at the “Hells Angels” bar
At the same time, two further house searches took place on Friday evening at private addresses in Upper Austria and one in Vienna. Two people were arrested on Friday evening as part of the intensive investigation.
Third man arrested
Another suspect (38) with German citizenship was arrested in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Vienna via an arrest order from the Ried public prosecutor’s office. “The man even injured a police officer during the arrest and was eventually overpowered with pepper spray. He is currently in custody in Vienna and will most likely be transferred to Upper Austria soon.”

Image: Press photo Scharinger / Daniel Scharinger
According to Ebner, the three men are being investigated for serious extortion, serious bodily harm, offenses under the Weapons Act and the formation of a criminal organization.
The two suspects from the Vöcklabruck district, 30 and 39 years old, were already in custody at the weekend. “The 30-year-old has a criminal record for serious theft and bodily harm, the 39-year-old is still clean,” says Ebner. The suspect arrested in Vienna has a criminal record in Germany. The trio is presumed innocent.
“Uncomfortable for Pattigham”
“It’s not nice for our town,” said Pattigham’s mayor Johann Urwanisch at the weekend when asked by OÖN. “It’s unpleasant when Pattigham ends up in the headlines with such an issue.”
The Cobra was also used in the said club in 2010.