The center-right is compacting. The amendments presented by the League to the Budget Law, despite the majority agreement not to present any, will be withdrawn and transformed into agendas. The amendments to the Maneuver concerned the contribution of cross-border workers to the National Health Service, the honorary judiciary, the exclusion of local authorities in deficit from the contribution to public finances.

The agenda asks the government for a commitment “to adopt every initiative within its competence aimed at modifying the contribution mechanism, introducing a criterion of progressiveness of the withdrawal in relation to net income, with a minimum and maximum monthly ceiling for the contribution from 30 to 190 euros” for cross-border workers. To “evaluate the opportunity to extend the possibility of retention in voluntary service and on request” of honorary magistrates up to 73 years. Finally, to evaluate the opportunity to reconsider the “audience of subjects involved in the contribution to public finance”.

Explaining what happened and putting an end to the opposition’s controversies is the leader of the League in the Senate, Massimiliano Romeo: “On the issue of the amendments at the last majority meeting with Minister Ciriani, I understood that 2 or 3 could be presented right on a symbolic level. Evidently I misunderstood and I have already given the order to withdraw them and transform them into agendas. The confirmation – he explains to LaPresse – comes from the fact that they were at zero cost.”