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Threats of internet attacks: about twenty schools evacuated

Twenty schools have received threats of attacks in the past two days. Several have been evacuated for verification.

Several schools were evacuated yesterday, Monday 2 January and this Tuesday 3 January, following threats of bomb attacks or explosives spread through ENT messaging, the digital workspaces that connect students, parents and teachers. Threats taken seriously in Seine-et-Marne but also in La Madeleine (Nord), Rillieux-la-Pape (Rhône), Marseille, Caen or even Carvin (Pas-de-Calais).

Facts confirmed by the Ministry of Education, “About twenty establishments (middle and high schools) have been hit in mainland France by these messages with threats of attacks, mainly in the academy of Lille, and to a lesser extent in those of Créteil, Grenoble, Versailles, Normandy and Lyon, indicates the newspaper The public good . “These messages were spotted by parents on WhatsApp, Snapchat or on ENT “, we have added.

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Several demining operations were carried out and no explosives were found in the factories concerned. A high school, a college and a school, located in the same perimeter, were evacuated in Carvin on Tuesday. The Valentine Labbé high school in La Madeleine (North) was also evacuated on Monday. The day before, the Baggio di Lilla high school had already been evacuated on Monday in the presence of only the staff, the students had not yet returned to school. The student behind the email was identified and released, his account hacked.

“Everywhere in France, high schools are receiving emails threatening attacks on the ENT”more “email senders are not the authors”a source familiar with the matter told our colleagues. The Cyber ​​Crime Unit has been closely associated with the investigation and the investigation is ongoing. An investigation by the chief of “threats of crime” was opened.

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