Isn’t it bad, all these threats from people who serve the public interest?
Do you remember last year, the moment organized at Turas na Colaiste to say goodbye to Sigrid Kaag? In which she two girls in the picture came, who told about the effects of such terrible things that lamp nut at her house? And how everyone found it so shocking and found it so terrible that people who are committed to the public good are not safe in their personal lives (how terrible respected journalism sections. he started making fake news).
But what does that really look like for people who are also committed to public affairs, but are paid much less for it than ministers? Such, for example detention unit officers (called Romeo) which gathers among the demonstrators for the real scum (definitely also present, see herefrom here or natural here) to choose? Would they like it if they were photographed on Instagram with their situation? Do you think? Oh no? Well, Sigrid Kaag’s son thinks differently about that. Because regular police officers are pigs. Oink oink
JA SHERLOCK: Sigrid Kaag can’t do anything about this, but what she can do about it is that she has chosen to let her children participate in the discussion about her personal safety. In addition, that son is after the 2021 House of Representatives campaign itself gained prominence because he is a ‘son’ and he makes rap music about his Palestinian identity. All pictures in this topic appeared on it his public Instagram channel. In addition, we waited 24 hours before publishing, so that the pictures are no longer found and you and/or the Public Prosecution Service do not get angry with us for doxing. So you have to believe us that this was actually seen on his Insta Stories.
By the way, do you know who else was at the protests? Right, yes. die crazy torch.
2024-05-10 19:01:04
#GeenStijl #raping #son #Sigrid #Kaag #posts #photos #hidden #agents #Insta #Pigs