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Thousands of tenants in New York live in uncertainty with the end of the eviction moratorium | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the 5:00 in the afternoon andrapidly expanded intofacilities. Fortunatelyno injuries are reported.the clock keeps ticking, thousandstenants in new yorkdenounce delays indistribution of funds forthe assistance program ofrent.romy cabral agreed withactivists and affected on theuncertainty in which they liveapproaching the moratoriumstate.romy: though wings of 160,000york and has requested therental assistance, the majorityof tenants still withoutreceive the help, even though thegovernor cuomo desired those of1000 people to work inthe allocation of funds forthose most in need.but he stayed latein the process, or they callthose who need help tokeep requesting.we hope that the moneyI arrived, but we are a littlefrustrated with the times.romy: we wanted to know whenhe was distributed from the2,700,000,000 in fund thathas the program, but there is noresponse from the office oftemporary assistance fordisabled, which for himlast friday there was onlydelivered $ 2,700,000 of theirmoney.we spoke with a tenant,who requested the help tomid-June and still withoutanswer about your case.I am asking you ifreceived the papers and withoutcase is proceeding, but notthere is an answer, let me inthe gap and they close the call.if they are not going to helpto the tenant, aftersay in time to see whatwe already have the time.romy: she is single with two childrenand with a back rent of 13months, he asked the authoritiesreview report onrequests to theuncertainty that thousands liveof families less than a month awayshould be the moratorium onstate evictions,looking at your children and thinkingWhat am I going to do, whatno one can give you a beef orthat’s right, it’s hard andmaddening.you have to have a lot of faith in godto be able to keep up with theanxiety that is livingright now.romy: if you owe rent and you haven’trequested assistance forpay your rent, you canvisiting the website thatappears on the screen.organizers and tenantswarn that in expediting thedistribution of funds from theassistance programrent, thedemonstrations, start thisWednesday in front of the officeof governor andrew cuomo in

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