Home » today » News » Thousands of special caregivers in New York would lose their jobs for not having access to the coronavirus vaccine | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Thousands of special caregivers in New York would lose their jobs for not having access to the coronavirus vaccine | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

50 and 5% of vaccinated between12 and 17 years old.74% of the population of thestate is already completelyvaccinated.adriana: thousands of caregivers ofthe data ok lose yourjobs in new york for anew vaccination mandatestate.berenice garner talks about aelder care agencywith an uncertain future, wellmany employees have notput the vaccine.berenice: hi, the problem iswhich is the state ofnew york with a deficit of100,000 home assistants,added with those who now do not knowvaccine, they would leave near110,000 patients withoutattention they needdaily.these are the assistantslandladies who help theirpatients to walk, to crosslacalle and go to raisedmedical, among many things.>> here we are allvaccinated, thank god.Berenice: Altagracia has helpedto that young woman disabled byyears.now they never feelgrateful to have the.What would happen if you don’t show up?>> it seemed very difficult because nowI’m not that youngask the unvaccinated.berenice: the director of theelder care agencysaid 30 attendees don’t knowhave been vaccinated, said theirfuture is uncertain.>> eight says they are not going tovaccinate, the others are invacation, now we’re goingto be ián the protocol fortry to get the vaccine,but they cannot be assigned tono case.berenice: all temporarilythese eight patients.how long are you going to survivedoing this?>> we have had peoplelooking for employment.each person who enters theagency, she will be vaccinated.there we can assign them toA case.berenice: the department ofhealth says he hopes thenumber of workersconsiderably in thepóximos ías. they were madeprovisions to expandworkforce alongside thehome helpers associationHe said that although they areoffering to recruitworkers from other states andpines, like wearingmilitary or students, nothey think it is a solutionviable. Altagracia will jointhis care deficitfamiliar, as he will retire inthe worst time forfamily.Altagracia: the agency haspersonal and do not know if there is aperson available.berenice: it is importantremind attendees of yourI work for this reason, notwanting to get lava.

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