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Thousands of participants in protests against corona measures


Berlin (dpa) – In several German cities, people demonstrated against the existing Corona measures on Saturday.

Several thousand people gathered in Munich under the motto “One year of lockdown policy – enough” near the Bavarian state parliament. The police said they had to break up the demonstration in the afternoon “because of several non-compliance with the conditions”. Not only was the number of participants exceeded. In many cases, the mask requirement was ignored and the minimum distance was not observed.

According to the police, around 2000 people demonstrated against Corona restrictions in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament in Düsseldorf. In addition, the corona measures were eased with a motorhome parade. More than 100 mobile homes curled through the state capital, as the police announced.

There were also demonstrations in Berlin on Saturday at various locations in the city. In addition, two car parades with several hundred vehicles were registered. According to the police, “at the top around 1000 demonstrators” met in front of the Federal Ministry of Health for a rally by the movement “Enough!” A dpa reporter spoke of hundreds of participants. “The demonstrators have later spread out and reduced to 400,” said a police spokeswoman. According to the police, 50 people were registered. The majority of the demonstrators were wearing masks – but not all. A dozen counter-demonstrators shouted “We’ll vaccinate you all”.

In Dresden, too, hundreds of critics of the Corona measures gathered in the city on Saturday, despite the ban on the “lateral thinking” demonstration by the Saxon Higher Administrative Court. According to a dpa reporter in the early afternoon, the events were at times confusing and the mood was tense. The police repeatedly asked people to leave the place.

In Kiel, up to 900 participants took part in protests against the Corona requirements. Up to 200 participants came to a counter-demonstration, the police reported in the afternoon. Around 15 tractors were also involved in the train of the Corona measures critics. According to the police, around 200 people took part in a demonstration by opponents of corona measures in Hamburg. Another 400 or so observers and supporters stood behind the barriers. A counter-demonstration came to around 100 participants.

According to the police, almost 800 people gathered in Hanover to demonstrate against the corona policy. They responded to a call by the movement “It is enough”, which had organized protests in numerous cities across the country. The initiative criticizes the restrictions that are intended to contain the corona pandemic. According to the police, around 40 people came to a counter-demonstration entitled “No new right-wing extremist party in Germany”.

Hundreds of people came together in Stuttgart to demonstrate against a year of lockdown policy, school closings, isolation and bankruptcies. From circles in the vicinity of the rally there was talk of up to 1,500 participants. A police spokesman just wanted to confirm a number of “well over the originally registered 750 participants”. After the organizer had declared the meeting over, the protesters divided into different elevators. There were occasional clashes between demonstrators and police. An officer was kicked by a pedestrian who was walking along, and officers used pepper spray elsewhere.

Several dozen people protested in Potsdam against corona restrictions despite a canceled demonstration. According to the police, the organizer had previously canceled the campaign under the motto “It’s enough”. Several groups of people stayed on the spot, some shouted: “Peace, freedom, no dictatorship”. In Magdeburg there was a car parade against the Corona measures with around 60 vehicles, as the police announced. According to the police, more than 500 people demonstrated against the corona policy in Erfurt, and according to the police, around 250 people gathered in Cottbus at a rally by the AfD against the federal government’s corona policy.

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Police officers prevent participants in the dissolved demonstration in Munich from moving on. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

Police officers prevent participants in the dissolved demonstration in Munich from moving on. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa

© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

Protest in Berlin
Numerous demonstrators stand in front of the Federal Ministry of Health in Berlin. Photo: Fabian Sommer / dpa© Fabian Sommer (dpa)

Numerous demonstrators stand in front of the Federal Ministry of Health in Berlin. Photo: Fabian Sommer / dpa

© Fabian Sommer (dpa)

Demonstration in Kiel
Two demonstrators in Kiel are calling for an end to the lockdown. Photo: Axel Heimken / dpa© Axel Heimken (dpa)

Two demonstrators in Kiel are calling for an end to the lockdown. Photo: Axel Heimken / dpa

© Axel Heimken (dpa)

Police officers carry away a demonstrator in Munich. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

Police officers carry away a demonstrator in Munich. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa

© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

“Compulsory vaccination – no thanks!” was painted on a street during the protests in Munich. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

“Compulsory vaccination – no thanks!” was painted on a street during the protests in Munich. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa

© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

Demonstration in Erfurt
“Merkel must go” is written on a flag at the demonstration by opponents of the Corona policy in Erfurt. Photo: Bodo Schackow / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa© Bodo Schackow (dpa)

“Merkel must go” is written on a flag at the demonstration by opponents of the Corona policy in Erfurt. Photo: Bodo Schackow / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

© Bodo Schackow (dpa)

Hans-Christoph Berndt
Hans-Christoph Berndt, leader of the AfD parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament, takes part in the demonstration in Cottbus. Photo: Bernd Settnik / dpa© Bernd Settnik (dpa)

Hans-Christoph Berndt, leader of the AfD parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament, takes part in the demonstration in Cottbus. Photo: Bernd Settnik / dpa

© Bernd Settnik (dpa)

Police arrest a man at the demonstration in Düsseldorf. Photo: David Young / dpa© David Young (dpa)

Police arrest a man at the demonstration in Düsseldorf. Photo: David Young / dpa

© David Young (dpa)

Protest in Düsseldorf
A protester wearing a Merkel mask carries a sign in Düsseldorf that reads “Angela, your 1989 is here!”. Photo: David Young / dpa© David Young (dpa)

A protester wearing a Merkel mask carries a sign in Düsseldorf that reads “Angela, your 1989 is here!”. Photo: David Young / dpa

© David Young (dpa)

Motorhome parade
In Düsseldorf, a mobile home parade called for the corona measures to be relaxed. Photo: Marcel Kusch / dpa© Marcel Kusch (dpa)

In Düsseldorf, the corona measures were eased with a mobile home parade. Photo: Marcel Kusch / dpa

© Marcel Kusch (dpa)

Demonstration in Munich
At the demonstration in Munich, one participant wears a devil doll with a vaccination syringe. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

At the demonstration in Munich, one participant wears a devil doll with a vaccination syringe. Photo: Angelika Warmuth / dpa

© Angelika Warmuth (dpa)

Demonstration against the federal government’s corona measures in Cottbus. Photo: Bernd Settnik / dpa© Bernd Settnik (dpa)

Demonstration against the federal government’s corona measures in Cottbus. Photo: Bernd Settnik / dpa

© Bernd Settnik (dpa)

Protest in Hannover
Police forces secure a demonstration by the movement “Enough!” in Hannover. Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa© Hauke-Christian Dittrich (dpa)

Police forces secure a demonstration by the movement “Enough!” in Hannover. Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa

© Hauke-Christian Dittrich (dpa)— .

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