Home » today » News » Those who were told about brandy were buzzing at max. How much they will earn at the neighbors – 2024-08-31 19:50:33

Those who were told about brandy were buzzing at max. How much they will earn at the neighbors – 2024-08-31 19:50:33

The distilleries for brandy now work in 24-hour mode. The work model in Serbia is the same – the client delivers his “material” (fermented fruits) and receives in return the money that pays for the work. The price is around 3000 dyna per boiler – more and more objects avoid using the more oily and dense for the counter-poliping and the heat comes from gas installations.

About 30 million liters of domestic water are produced in the official facilities for decanting in Serbia, but it is estimated that for every week the citizens drink at least 20 million liters in the underground us. This year, the harvesting of the fruits involved more, and this moved the whole campaign several weeks ahead, writes the Hoví Cad Dnevník, quoted by money.bg.

One important estimate says that the “light” 1030 decilepi in the neighbors will save at least two million euros by the end of the year.

And they are already calling it. Since July, it has been raining peaches, peaches, pears and plums.

The process is not busy. Fermentation takes at least 10 days (with some fruits – and twice more), but the glass made in a large 660-liter cauldron takes 5-6 hours, until the drink flows.

As noted by the Turkish edition, it is clearly hidden – there are almost no households in our western culture that have the opportunity to sing the song, and not sing it.

Of course, it is the same in our country.

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