Home » today » World » Those over 50 are eligible to receive the coronavirus vaccine in Texas | Video | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

Those over 50 are eligible to receive the coronavirus vaccine in Texas | Video | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

the participants foundantibodies, other datainteresting is that 27% ofHispanics alsopresent. just as we didannounced, starting today 15March the new phase beginsfor the vaccination processStatewide. We are talkingfrom phase one c.this phase those over 50sen from the group ofpriority that can be putvaccine. let’s go in the report ofnidia.nidia: there it is. Goodnight.Hispanics in Houstonbelong to the second group thathas received vaccines inour city these are goodnews since Hispanics anational level are the group ofpeople who have beenaffected by coronavirus inas for deaths. they are alreadywings of 8 million residentswho have received a dose ofthe covid19 vaccine and2.8 million have thefull doses. this equates9.7 percent of thestate town. this Mondaypeople between the ages of 50and 64 years old join the groupseligible as no older than 65years of age and who countwith pre-existing conditions.in texas 93% of deathsare people over 50 years oldold.We Hispanics are whatwe have seen those affectedfor the pandemic andunfortunately there is a largenumber of people over50 years old.nidia: let’s take a look at thepeople who have received theball in houston. on the one handof the department 21% of thedoses have been for Hispanics.a group of people betweenages 60 to 69 are the oneshave the largest number ofdose and constitutes 28% ofall doses that have beenadministered as bincreasing, we see that they fearincreases its application.there has been a lot moreavailability in our areaand hopefully those numbersincrease. Nevertheless,people cannot receivethe vaccine if they are notregistered.nidia: to searchavailability of the map of thehealth department accountwith a list of providersfor local departmentsand they can point to the listStandby.the selection of people tothe waiting list salazar. theolder people areprioritized and it is not aboutwho signs up first.while we wait for thatmoment, we ask peopleplease continueusing your mask whenThey are in public.nidia: the administration of thepresident joe biden hadeclared that by May 1all are eligible for

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