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those brands that will pay less

Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche, Volkswagen… at the origin of the Ionity consortium, certain brands will benefit from preferential rates on the ultra-fast charging network. An advantage conditioned on the subscription of a subscription.

Announced this Thursday, January 16, the new pricing of the Ionity network has provoked the ire of many Internet users who have not failed to denounce the excessive price charged by the operator. Until now limited to 8.00 € / charging session, it will switch to a kWh rate from January 31, 2020 with an advertised price of 0.79 € / kWh. This is equivalent to a “full” at € 47 for 60 kWh delivered and € 79 for 100 kWh. A tariff tends to bring electricity closer to conventional fuels. At least for long journeys.

Preferential rate from € 0.29

The good news is that not all brands will have to pay the “full” price. Those who financed the deployment of the network will be entitled to preferential rates, which seems rather logical. At Audi, customers will thus be able to benefit from a rate of € 0.33 / kWh but on condition of subscribing to the manufacturer’s badge, billed € 17.25 / month. Ditto at Porsche which offers the same price per kWh but with an annual subscription to 179 euros offered the first three years. For large wheelers, the price of fuel becomes more reasonable. Whether it’s the Taycan or the e-tron, the price for one charge drops to less than 30 euros.

For the other manufacturers, the communication is blurry and our research is like a real speleology session. As we could not cross-check all the information, the rates listed below are therefore to be taken in the conditional. According to eMobly Twitter account, Volkswagen would be the only brand to retain flat-rate invoicing (€ 8.40 / session) while BMW and Daimler would benefit from a respective tariff of € 0.30 and € 0.29 / kWh. If we imagine that a subscription will be added to it, we have no information as to the amounts charged and are in the process of contacting the manufacturers to try to see more clearly.

Having joined the network a few months ago, the Korean brands Hyundai and Kia should also benefit from reduced prices but on conditions perhaps less favorable than the manufacturers behind the consortium.

Mark Subscription Rate
Audi € 17.25 / month € 0.33 / kWh
BMW nc € 0.30 / kWh
Daimler nc € 0.29 / kWh
Hyundai nc nc
Kia nc nc
Porsche € 179 / year € 0.33 / kWh
Volkswagen nc 8.40 € / session
Other brands no € 0.79 / kWh

Offered for the first three years and then billed at € 179 / month, the “Porsche Charging Service” will allow you to benefit from a rate of € 0.33 / kWh on the Ionity network

Chaotic communication

In the end, Ionity’s communication is a textbook example and a very good example of what absolutely should not be done in marketing.

By simply announcing a gross price without specifying the nuances, Ionity clumsily turned against a large part of the community. For future users, it’s also the cold shower. In comments from our first article, some did not hesitate to indicate that they intended to abandon their purchase plan in view of the new prices charged. A chaotic communication that the operator and its partners will have to catch up as best they can. We wish them courage!

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