Home » today » Health » “Those already vaccinated against COVID must be allowed to go to the theater, work and on the street, to get out of vacant homes!”

“Those already vaccinated against COVID must be allowed to go to the theater, work and on the street, to get out of vacant homes!”

The new restrictions imposed by the authorities, which came into force in areas where the incidence of COVID-19 exceeds four cases per thousand inhabitants, have caused many dissatisfaction in the public space.

“People in the government in charge of fighting this epidemic are not able to understand one thing: delimiting a group for protection does not necessarily mean discrimination. Moreover, this is the solution for normalcy, step by step. Unfortunately, the entry normally it is not on the government’s agenda, it is not understood that people, once vaccinated, should be allowed to go to the theater, to work, and to the streets and stadiums, because that is the reason to be vaccinated and to protect yourself. and to prevent the transmission of the pathogen, “said Dr. Sorin Paveliu, a primary care physician in Internal Medicine and an expert in health policy.

According to him, non-discrimination is a universally accepted principle, but it also supports some nuances when this division into categories is dictated by public health reasons and is done by law, in the conditions of a democratic society. “It is an essential statement that is not understood and embraced by almost anyone in our public administration and, in fact, we must leave here to return to normalcy. In fact, the debates in other European Union countries are notorious, travel restrictions (already legislated) on finding other tasks for Vatican staff who refused vaccination and examples abound, “the specialist continued. ziare.com.

The separation into categories, in this case, according to whether or not to be vaccinated must be made for public health reasons to ensure the protection of those susceptible to the disease and to transmit the infection to others. “Shy, taking great care not to be accused, even Prime Minister Citu mentioned the establishment of a working group to analyze the possibility of accepting the entry into the community (concerts, or services offered by HoReCa) of people who are vaccinated and those who From my point of view, not considering that this delimitation is possible, the administration neither gives an emergency ordinance, nor does anyone in Parliament care to make a legislative proposal independent of the Government, although it it has the main role, especially because it has the means to expedite the clarification of this problem “, the doctor Sorin Paveliu also explained.

According to him, “instead of adopting measures that will put us on the road to normalcy, the Government is concerned and adopts much easier measures, imposing increasingly restrictive restrictions, without taking into account that they can not be However, the pandemic is likely to last two to three years, and even under the optimistic assumption that the population’s immunity will be achieved by winter through vaccination, a new cycle of mass vaccination will no longer be feasible, assuming costs that are now If the population does not become immunized, we will take it from the beginning because the virus will not disappear. We must not forget that the largest number of people vaccinated in a year in Romania in the anteCovid 19 era was of 3.5 million flu vaccinated citizens! “, continued the health policy expert.

“So we have to be prepared from now on, to strive for normalcy and to see how we can function in the conditions in which this threat of SarsCov2 or any other virus that will threaten our existence exists. Excessive restrictions represent the price paid by the population. for the flight of responsibility of the Government, frightened by the political costs of some active measures “, pointed out the doctor Sorin Paveliu. Currently, in Romania there are 973,671 people vaccinated against the new coronavirus with both doses, according to the latest data provided by the National Center for Coordination of Activities on Vaccination against COVID-19 (CNCAV).

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