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Thorstein (45) and his family are stuck in Ukraine:

– We are very scared, but I have to keep my mask on. My boyfriend and son need me to stay strong, says the Norwegian to TV 2.

Bundli, his girlfriend Alina and their six-month-old son Birk Odin are on the run from Kyiv. The flight from the capital started on February 23, and their goal is to get out of the country.

Russian forces on the roads

From Kyiv to where they are now, it took seven hours by car. Usually, without large refugee flows on the roads as now, it takes a little over two hours. On the trip they saw rockets and combat helicopters.

Now the flight of the small family has stopped in a village south-west of Kyiv, five hours from Moldova and Romania. They have been stuck there for the last 24 hours.

– Everything is rigged and ready for departure, but right now we find no safe way out of Ukraine. It is very unclear what we are going to do, he says.

Until a few hours ago, their plan was to go to Slovakia, but they are no longer sure if they dare.

– There are unconfirmed rumors that there are Russian forces on the roads between us and Slovakia. That is why we do not take the chance, he says.

Difficult to obtain food and medicine

They live in a primitive house, with an outdoor toilet and without a shower, together with another Norwegian and his family. The family sleeps together on a flimsy single bed.

Bundli says that they have heard about Ukrainian forces building roadblocks a few kilometers away.

The family has used the day to fill a jug with diesel and rebuilt their van so that it has more seats and more space for luggage.

FAMILY: Thorstein Bundli with his girlfriend Alina and their son Birk Odin in more peaceful times in December. Photo: Private

– It is difficult to get what we need. We think we have enough food and medicine for our son a week ahead, if we are lucky. At least we are much safer here than in Kyiv, says Bundli, who has lived in Ukraine for the last three years.

– Very dramatic

He describes the situation as very dramatic, and the atmosphere in the small village is tense. Several in the family of girlfriend Alina have not gotten out of the Ukrainian capital.

– My boyfriend’s brother is back in Kyiv to take care of their mother. Her cousins ​​and family are in a village in another part of town. Alina is terribly scared. We get to hear quite a few stories.

It is difficult to find credible information, according to Bundli. He says there is a lot of propaganda.

Many will help

The small family communicates with many in Norway. Many Norwegians want to help them, but they get little done.

– The only thing we need to know is where it is safe to travel. It does not really matter which country we end up in, as long as we get out of here.

The future of the small family in Ukraine is uncertain.

– Whether it takes six months or a year before we can go back is very uncertain, Bundli says.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware that there are several dozen Norwegian citizens in Ukraine, they inform TV 2.

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