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Thomas Dutronc recounts the last days of his mother François Hardy

The singer, who is releasing a new album this week, lifts the veil on the last moments of his mother Françoise Hardy, who died last June at the age of 80.

Thomas Dutronc speaks for the first time since June about the death of his mother Françoise Hardy. In an interview given this Tuesday to Parisianthe singer confides in the last days of the icon of French song.

“The weekend before she died, we watched the Roland Garros final together,” he recalls. “She had trouble speaking but she still made us laugh.” He adds: “She fought a lot. She didn’t want to die.”

Time to say goodbye

According to him, his mother wanted “we not to persist”:

“We didn’t do euthanasia,” he insists. “In the last days, the cancer was taking up too much space, we were at the end, the doctors saw that she was suffering too much, that it was the end. They accompanied her…”

A clarification from the son that comes as the singer has been an activist in favor of euthanasia for several years. In December 2023, she said she wanted to die “as soon as possible, as quickly as possible and as painlessly as possible” in an interview with Paris-Match.

He says he had time to say goodbye to her before she died. “I was panicked at the thought of not seeing him again, that she would die in the night,” he explains. “Afterwards, she recovered and I had time to say goodbye properly.”

“I told her several times that she didn’t have to worry about me, that I loved her,” adds Thomas Dutronc, who did not have time to finish his new album before his death and to make her listen to it.

“Finish a beautiful record for her”

“I almost came to sing to her with my guitar and I didn’t do it…”, he reveals. “She had hearing problems lately. I especially wanted to finish a beautiful record for her.”

“I know that she would have liked some songs, others less or that she would have liked later. Her judgments could be a little harsh,” he adds.

Thomas Dutronc finally said he was very moved by the tributes that came from all over the world for his mother: “She didn’t realize that people loved her like that. What moved me the most is that she deserves it and that she didn’t seek it.”

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