Home » today » News » This year’s World Cleanup is opened with an ambitious event in Riga Castle. Watch the live stream here

This year’s World Cleanup is opened with an ambitious event in Riga Castle. Watch the live stream here

During the event, the organizers of the Big Cleanup (organizers of the World Cleanup in Latvia) will inform about the main goals of this year’s cleanup, the planned course and news. There will also be a discussion about the future of our planet and Latvia’s status as the greenest country in Europe and the world.

This year the World Cleanup is being held in Latvia for the third time, and we, the organizers of the Big Cleanup, invite everyone to get involved in the cleanup activities. The whole world will join in a campaign on September 19 to make our entire common living space cleaner and greener. This year, we will celebrate the World Cleanup in Latvia with cleaning works and, as always, with the tree sowing and planting campaign “Trees of Happiness”, so that every seed or tree planted during it can grow into a big tree of the future, becoming Latvia’s contribution to restoring global ecosystem balance. . The patron of the Big Cleanup, President Egils Levits, the leader of the Big Cleanup, Vita Jaunzeme, organizers, coordinators, volunteer work team and media representatives will take part in the opening of the world clean-up. There will also be lectures by lecturers, the main aim of which will be to provoke a discussion on environmental issues in order to encourage each of us to get involved in preserving a clean, green Latvia and the whole world for future generations.

The course of the event

12.00 – 13.30 Discussion “Planetary life is important”

The discussion is attended by:

  • President Egils Levits;
  • Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Juris Pūce;
  • JSC “Latvijas valsts meži” forest management planning manager Jānis Zitāns;
  • President of the Latvian Medical Association Ilze Aizsilniece;
  • Assistant Professor at John Cabot University (Rome, Italy) (specialization: international business and international marketing) Ieva Jakobsone Bellomi;
  • Vita Jaunzeme, the leader of the Big Cleanup.

The discussion will be moderated by Valdis Melderis.

On the Big Cleanup website www.talkas.lv Two interactive maps have been created, where each helper can mark and apply for cleaning and improvement work, as well as mark the place where the tree will be sown or planted. If we want to live in a clean environment, we must pursue this goal today, without fear of initiating and implementing ideas that will help us achieve our goal in the long run.

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