íctor: despite theefforts to preventcrime the subway,sexual assaults continueagainst women, among otherscrimes.lepolyia investigated cases,some the brooklyn station,at 74th street and broadway.peter moved thereOrtega, he tells them about themost recent attacks, despiteof increased surveillancepoliceman.peter: the police ask for helpthe community to find thewhereabouts of two individualsassociated with assaultsex to women in thesystem the subway in brooklyn,and also in queens.one of the incidents hadplace aboard the number train7, near the station of the74th street and broadway. theindividual approached20-year-old victim andI masturbate in front of her.the other case occurred f outsidefrom the subway station inbrooklyn the bullyallegedly followed awoman, masturbated in front ofher and forced her to sit ona bank, where he assaulted hersexually and then run away.the incidents occurred atbroad daylight.>> the other day we saw in thetrain, a man wasmasturbating there.us without being able to go out and nowe could do nothing.the truth is scary.peter: until april 10,2022 have taken place 160crimes and sexual offenses inpublic transport newyork, an increase of 36% withcompared to the same period ofprevious year, whenproduced more than 118incidents of that nature.ónica tells us what she has donewhen you see sexual assaultsand Lostrenes.>> when a manmasturbates, goes to the other sideof the train.They are unpleasant things.peter: we have not receivedstill a statement fromof the mta.crime victimssex can report tobring from a website createdfor it by the mta, and thatyou are seeing on the screen.you can call the squadspecial of vic and ás ofnew york transit and morefrom new york transit to7188345319.to report it asanonymous, you can call 5116:00 in the morning to 10:00 in theevening. if the incident is aemergency, call 911.pay attention to thesurroundings, address thetransport by illuminated aliasesand crowded, do not get distractedwith the cell phone and not falling asleepsome useful tips foravoid being a victim ofincidents of abuse insubway.if you have any information aboutthe two individuals call the